Vert/Off Vert f8a/V11 in the peak?

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I'm entertaining the delusion of an 8A/V11 project, to try and get my first of the grade. I have now done quite a few V9-10s, both indoors and out, so I think it's time. V9s tend to go in a handful of goes these days.

Most people's first of a grade tend to be in their style, and for that reason I'm looking for an 8A that isn't super overhanging or compression based, as I suck at that.

My happy place is technical vert walls (or slightly off vert either way), so I'm looking for recommendations in that style by asking the hive mind. Sheffield based and have a car.

Any ideas are appreciated!


In reply to Abowlofpetunias:

Two Legged Limp (f8A) sounds like it fits the bill. Not sure it’s had many if any repeats yet either. Close to Sheffield too.

Post edited at 13:24
 Joemullett24 28 Apr 2024
In reply to Abowlofpetunias:

Niks wall at rivelin quarries ? 

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