Bee Hive at One Step in the Clouds, Tremadog

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Just to warn everyone thinking of doing One Step in the Clouds at Bwlch y Moch, Tremadog. There is an active Bee Hive in the tree above the start (the one you go behind).The main entrance is facing out, but there is a smaller one on the side you have to pass. 

It’s interesting to watch them all flying in and out at the start.

 PaulJepson 13 May 2024
In reply to Captain Haddock:

I think there has been an active bees nest on that tree every time I've gone past it. It smelled of honey up the entire first and second pitch when I did OSITC a couple of years ago. Does anyone actually get bothered by them? They seemed very chill about us previously. 

 Offwidth 13 May 2024
In reply to PaulJepson:

Seems very useful information to me. It's hardly difficult to agitate bees if you are disturbing their colony not knowing it's there and get attacked in a position where you can't just run away. For some, a bee sting could be life threatening from an allergic response perspective.

 PaulJepson 13 May 2024
In reply to Offwidth:

This is true, I just wondered if people had negative interactions with (what seems to be) an in-situ bees nest on one of the most-logged routes in Wales. 

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