Chamonix 2024 Summer Beta Request

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 RobJames 14 May 2024

Ahoy super helpers.

Dirtbag climber here.

Any chance of some Chamonix insight.

I have Googled these questions.

Emailed folks.

Not yet gotten some clear insight

Context: Will buy a Mont Blanc Multipass for the summer season.

Q 1. EMHM Association's gym. I now there is a fee. Would they let me join. Kiwi with no connection to French military

Q 2. I know the Mont Blanc Multipass gets me free train between Servoz and Martigny. Can you get a monthly ticket for regular travel to/from St. Gervais- Le Fayet to Chamonix. If so, might you know how much it costs? Am 35 years old.

Q 3. Richard Bozon Sports Centre. Can you get a one-month membership? And if so, might you know the cost?

I really did try to figure these answers out before posting here.

On the back end. I hope to offer a sweet trip report and destination guide for dirtbagging in Chamonix on my return. Or should I not return .... avenge my death!

And if we meet in Cham in the interim.

Would be thrilled to manspoon on something wild in reciprocity,


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