5.10 NIAD VCS fit

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 PilkingtonD 16 Aug 2022

What is the fit for the 5.10 NIAD VCS supposed to be like?

Despite 5.10’s rule of going for street size I went down half a size and still feel as though there is space in the upper of the shoe, and it makes a weird suction noise when I step up!

Write off and sell or keep climbing and hope they mould a bit better?

 raussmf 16 Aug 2022
In reply to PilkingtonD:

I had a similar experience. Mine were way to big, loads of air in the toe box, generally didn't trust them and they developed holes in the toes after 4 months of use.

Went unparalleled and haven't looked back!

 Adam Long 19 Aug 2022
In reply to PilkingtonD:

Softest boots I've ever owned, felt like they stretched a full size on the first use. I relegated mine to easy soloing. Not much performance but they are comfy.

 matt1984 19 Aug 2022
In reply to PilkingtonD:

I take 9 in air max (the benchmark), 8 in converse, and 9 in most adidas, and I went with 9s for my NIADs.

I tried the 8s and couldn't get them on, and they were out of 8.5s, so I got the 9s which fit great. With a lengthy wear with and if it's hot meaning really sweaty feet they do start to feel looser, but in the main I've had no problems and would buy them again.

Still not as nice as my anazasis (which are are size 8.5) I use for outdoor though, I'll resole those forever.

Despite adidas' intentions, it seems shoe sizing is still a bloody lottery given the above replies though.

Post edited at 20:25

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