PRESS RELEASE: Arc'teryx Climb Academy returns to the Lake District: May 25th – 27th

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 UKC/UKH Gear 10 Apr 2024

Today, clinic tickets go on sale for Arc'teryx Climb Academy Lake District - May 25 – 27, 2024. Set in Great Langdale in the heart of the Lake District National Park, this boutique-styled Academy brings together world-class athletes, top-certified guides, and brand partners to deliver a range of clinics, workshops, and a supportive climbing experience no matter if you're new to the sport or pushing your limits.

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 Derek Ryden 12 Apr 2024
In reply to UKC/UKH Gear:

I'm sure this will be a great event, but "BOUTIQUE-STLYE ACADEMY" for f**k's sake!?

Post edited at 10:12
 Rick Graham 12 Apr 2024
In reply to Derek Ryden:

> I'm sure this will be a great event, but "BOUTIQUE-STLYE ACADEMY" for f**k's sake!?

Thanks for being braver than me in posting .

Presumably the dislike was for mis spelling style or muted swearing.

Boutique used to mean small independant shop selling good quality products. Nowadays I just want to puke when I see it.

 Derek Ryden 12 Apr 2024
In reply to Rick Graham:

I spent much of my climbing apprenticeship in Langdale, over 50 years ago. Nevertheless I love the modern climbing scene including its competitions, training, and most of all, its inclusivity. But applying the vernacular of the urban poseur to one of trad climbing's holiest places is just asking to be ridiculed!

In reply to Derek Ryden:

Langdale is busy enough on a bh weekend without events like this adding to the load.

I will likely avoid the valley and look elsewhere to indulge in some "boutique sending".

 Robert Durran 12 Apr 2024
In reply to Derek Ryden:

> I'm sure this will be a great event, but "BOUTIQUE-STLYE ACADEMY" for f**k's sake!?

One of those occasions where you think "you couldn't make it up". Yet someone did.

I also find it slightly disturbing that "UK climbing culture" is now about athletes, clinics, brand partners and workshops. Boutique workshops perhaps.

In reply to Robert Durran:

I share your disturbance, all I can suggest is "stay in your lane", carry on climbing as you usually would, don't engage with the nonsense. These events are well advertised and thus easily avoided.

Maybe there is some mileage in a "where to avoid this weekend" calendar.

 CantClimbTom 17 Apr 2024
In reply to Ennerdaleblonde:

Not so!

Unless he makes the effort to engage, he is at high risk. What if he made incorrect pairings? What then?

Pairing apparel that is clearly part of last Fall-Winter's collection from one brand partner, with pants based on a color pallette from the current Summer collection of another brand partner? That'd be just unthinkable!

 Lankyman 17 Apr 2024
In reply to CantClimbTom:

It was great in the good old days when you could just casually fling on an old vest and trackie bottoms and tuck them into a pair of red socks inside your blown-out EB's. Nowadays, I have to scan up and down the road every outing just in case the Fashion Police are patrolling. Long live the Ronhill!

 CantClimbTom 17 Apr 2024
In reply to Lankyman:

I was wearing Ron Hills Saturday and Sunday (although underneath a drysuit undersuit) long live stirrups!

I did wear EB with socks, but never red ones. I've always been a rebel

Post edited at 09:02
In reply to Ennerdaleblonde:

Be wary, if you stay in your lane long enough the corporations will suck the purist soul out of the very thing you love

 Lankyman 06 May 2024
In reply to wildhearthunter:

>  the corporations will suck the purist soul out of the very thing you love

Ooerr, missus!

In reply to wildhearthunter:

Maybe bit I can't see a away around it, other than to not engage.

Climbing Festivals, FFS, ridiculous idea.

In reply to Ennerdaleblonde:

I dunno, having been involved with a few over the years I think they are great and offer a unique experience for those that want to visit places or maybe have no one to go with or they don't know the areas and just like being with lots of other people.

One of the best aspects, for me, of festivals like Women's Trad Festival was people turning up having never been to the Peak before, solo travelling and just coming climbing for the weekend with like minded ladies. Really amazing and brave of them to just jump on the train and do it.

I think this is getting overly criticised imo as yes, the Langdales are very busy at the best of times, but, this is one weekend in the year and if it engages with people that might not get their under the own steam for whatever reasons and shows them a truly amazing place and they get some cool climbing done that is a huge win I think. The Lakes is so absolutely massive for climbers that you can easily head elsewhere for one weekend or you can get potter along, get involved and perhaps witness people having a great time.

Unless it rains then it will be miserable.

 ALT EGO 07 May 2024
In reply to Euan McKendrick:

> One of the best aspects, for me, of festivals like Women's Trad Festival was people turning up having never been to the Peak before, solo travelling and just coming climbing for the weekend with like minded ..... ladies....

having climbed regularly with one of the instructor's involved , I almost spat kombucha all over my phone.

In reply to Ennerdaleblonde:

> Climbing Festivals, FFS, ridiculous idea.

It always interests me as to what people perceive these events to be vs. what they actually are.

I've been to a fair few over the years and what each has in common are people, coming together, going climbing, making friends, and having fun. Festivals help to advocate best practise too, both in terms of safety and etiquette, so what's not to like?! I get that you don't like these areas getting busier, but as I've said in previous years - climbers represent just a fraction of the people who're heading into Landgale (and the Lake District) and lest we forget, a lot of the rock within the Lakes would benefit from a bit of extra traffic!!

I can see why the commercial aspect might put some people off, but if you don't like commercial events - don't go 🤷‍♂️

In reply to Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing:

We aren't going to agree here Rob as there is quite a conflict of interest, yours in the commercial side, mine in the lakes resident wishing for a quieter life side.

The horse has bolted and climbing festivals are now a thing. I have always found the idea horrific. The timing of this one is particularly awful. Perhaps consider offering it in September? It's not about keeping folks out of the lakes but spreading the load a little.

Yes, I and many others can and will stay away. I likely won't buy arcteryx kit either, the event certainly doesn't attract me to do so. There is much more to climbing than making a few bucks/promoting your brand.

Your argument about traffic is poor, Langdale is one of the Lakes busiest climbing valleys, I can't see any of the festival punters heading over to Pillar, can you?

Post edited at 19:00
 Mark Eddy 09 May 2024
In reply to Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing:

Boutique-styled Academy is odd terminology for a climbing event, but whatever. I can certainly see the positives to these events and agree they are a good way of bringing together like minded folk, all good.

Some crags in the Lakes would be nicer with more traffic, but not the Langdale crags. Get over to Eskdale or Duddon for some top quality cragging venues in glorious settings and mostly no people. I was climbing on Brandy crag last week, the place is deserted, the routes would benefit from more traffic, same for most in the Duddon, bar Wallowbarrow.

All the best with it, hope it's a success. How about Boot as a basecamp for next year?  


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