MSR snowshoe strap warning

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 Toerag 28 Mar 2024

A word of warning to anyone with MSR snowshoes with classic strap bindings - the ones that look like the image - when they get old they become hard, crack, and fail.  I can't tell you at what age this starts to occur, but I've had to replace multiple grey straps on mine and my wife's Denalis / Denali Evos.  The chance of multiple strap failure at once is real as the remaining straps come under more strain once one fails, and you could end up in a very serious situation of being stuck in crotch-deep snow a long way from shelter when you weren't expecting to be! If you're anything like me, the confidence you get wearing these snowshoes mean you use them hard and will break a strap sooner or later.  I don't know if the newer black straps are any better as I've not had them long enough to tell.

So, make sure you carry spares, they're readily available online in two lengths - carry the longer ones as they're more versatile and replace with the correct length as necessary at a convenient time.  I don't know how many shops in mountain areas regularly keep them in stock, so buy before you travel. I know it's a bit late for this European winter season, but be prepared for next!

Post edited at 15:15

 rj_townsend 28 Mar 2024
In reply to Toerag:

I learnt this very lesson in Austria last year - the straps on my somewhat ancient Denalis snapped within the first 100m. Luckily it was a piste-side ramble so no major problem, but I've certainly picked up replacement straps since.

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