Dave Graham on Hubble: and moving to Sheffield!

© Keith Sharples
Keith Sharples reports for from Raven Tor in the Peak District

"On Tuesday a tsunami blasted Raven Tor in the Peak District. I refer, not to something generated by the weather, but to top American climber, Mr David Graham who is currently in the UK as part of his European lecture tour.

On one of the soggiest days so far this autumn, Dave Graham blew into the Tor on a wave of optimism, enthusiasm and commitment that was truly awesome. He'd done his homework too. He knew the names of the routes and the climbers who had done them and what's more he wanted to touch stone. He wanted to look through Hubble (F8c+), he wanted to evolve with Evolution (F8c) and mutate on Mutations (F9a). He wasn't keen to book in for the mid-life crisis on Mecca (F8b+) though – he wanted to on-sight that one! And how wicked would that be? Being a boulderer he also came with a wish-list of blocs to try. He knew about Ben's Roof (Font 7c+), was keen for some Keen Roof (Font 8b) action or some Fat Lip (Font 8a+/8b) traversing."

Read the full report with photographs at


In a video interview, by Kevin Avery and Dave Gill, to be aired later, Dave Graham says that he may be moving to Sheffield

Dave Graham's UK lecture tour is supported by Lyon Equipment, Petzl, and organised by Heason Events.

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Dave Graham has been a top boulderer and sport climber for nearly two decades. He has made the first ascents of a huge number of cutting edge boulder problems including The Story of Two Worlds, Big Paw and...

Dave's Athlete Page 41 posts 5 videos

16 Oct, 2008
Cool, according to heason events he's off ireland tomorrow, so is that it then for the time being? Shame he didnt get longer. cheers Tim
16 Oct, 2008
According to Keith: "at a time when most US-centric news is bitter, if not toxic, Dave Graham might well turn out to be the perfect antidote, at least for us climbers anyway." which is surely a bit of a long bow to draw. I'm sure most climbers would be thinking it's great a visiting hotshot is getting on some of the country's hardest routes rather than concentrating on the fact DG is American.
16 Oct, 2008
Isn't that what he is saying though? That it is a welcome good thing to come out of the US?
16 Oct, 2008
Will he be coming to the onsight premiere!? I hope he is :)
16 Oct, 2008
I wonder if he will try and make the FA of the impossible groove :).
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