Mina Leslie-Wujastyk Climbs Jerry's Roof (V9) - Llanberis Pass

© Jack Geldard - Editor - UKC

A busy Jerry's Roof boulder, Llanberis Pass  © Jack Geldard
A busy Jerry's Roof boulder, Llanberis Pass
© Jack Geldard, May 2009
Just a few days after her ascent of Rock Atrocity (UKC News) in Parisella's Cave, Mina Leslie-Wujastyk has ticked Jerry's Roof (V9).

Jerry's Roof is a classic powerful roof problem on the Cromlech Boulders in the Llanberis Pass. It was first climbed by Jerry Moffat in the late 1980's, and takes a central line of glassy holds straight through the large cave/roof 3m from the Llanberis Pass road.

Mina's ascent of the classic boulder problem is the first by a woman according to Ray Wood in his report on the DMM Website;

"Finally the uber-classic Jerry's Roof in the Llanberis Pass has had a female ascent (if anyone knows different we'd like to hear)."

The crux is a long move to a three-finger dish/pocket, which is known to be easier for tall people. Ray Wood commented;

"It took Sheffield based Mina Leslie-Wujastyk four or five sessions to get it dialled. She found the hardest part was controlling the body swing once she'd made what for her was a dynamic snatch for the pocket. Being short definitely makes this move harder."

Mina Leslie-Wujustyk  © Keith Sharples
Mina Leslie-Wujustyk
© Keith Sharples
Mina placed 5th in the 2008 British Bouldering Championships, and has previously climbed several V9 boulders and the classic Raven Tor problem Ben's Roof (V10/Font 7C+).

  • You can read a report with action photo on the DMM Website

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Born in 1987, Mina has been climbing since she was 8 years old. She gained fame with some hard bouldering ascents and on the competition scene, but lately has been cutting her teeth as a top level sport climber.

Mina's Athlete Page 32 posts 6 videos

30 May, 2009
Excellent Mina, that should inspire Abbie even more.
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