Daniel Jung get sup to Jungle Speed

© UKC News

Daniel Jung, currently on a non-climbing trip to South Africa, recently made the FA of a route he calls Jungle speed, in the La Capella-sector at Siurana. Daniel says he didn?t think the project, showed to him by Toni Arbones, looked that hard, maybe 8b+, but that it took a long time for him to solve the single moves, which turned out to be the hardest he has done on a route: ?The line is short, not more than 12m. The hardest is to link two hard boulders in a raw or like two cruxes of a 8c+ route.. The most powerful move is a crazy shoulder move, the second a litle jump in a two finger pocket. The first hard move worked well, but catching the pooket took me a lot of time? There are only very small footsteps and its very hard to coordinate the jump..?.

About the grade, he thinks that it weighs in around the 9a mark.

Sources: Daniel's blog/Kletterszene

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Daniel Jung has been climbing for half of his life. He has travelled thousands of kilometers by plane, car or hitchhiking, and he has lived in his van, a tent or caves for months. He likes all facets of climbing, from...

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