La Dura Dura 9b+, Adam Ondra and Chris Sharma - FULL MOVIE

© BigUpProductions (screen shot from film)

Back in early 2013 Adam Ondra succeeded on the first ascent of the super route La Dura Dura (9b+) at Oliana, Spain (Original UKC News). The route is considered to be the hardest sport climb on the planet.

The route had initially been tried by Chris Sharma, and together the two top climbers battled with this huge sweep of limestone, with Ondra finally grabbing the first ascent, and in the eyes of many, also the crown of 'best climber in the world'. The baton had been passed from Sharma to Ondra, and after so much effort and no success, would Sharma regain his psyche and also clip the chains on this ultimate climb?

Yes he would. And now, released on the internet in all its glory, here's the full video from the guys at BigUpProductions.

"Chris Sharma and Adam Ondra spent two years working together to climb La Dura Dura (9b+), the world's hardest climb. This film tells the story of their unique collaboration and shows Adam's historic first ascent and Chris' second ascent.

"For the full backstory on Chris, Adam, and the route, check out the original film, "La Dura Dura" available on the REEL ROCK 7 DVD and Download."

Chris Sharma is sponsored by: Evolv, Petzl, prAna and Sterling Rope

Adam Ondra is sponsored by: Beal, Black Diamond, Entre-Prises, Hudy Sports, La Sportiva and Montura

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Chris Sharma’s preternatural climbing ability and visionary first ascents have earned him an enduring reputation as one of the world’s best rock climbers. This American professional athlete, ambassador and...

Chris's Athlete Page 23 posts 34 videos

26 Mar, 2014
'The route is considered to be the hardest sport climb on the planet'. Is it now? I thought Ondra said he'd found Change harder. He's the only person who might know, I'd have thought. To say nothing of Vasil Vasil. I don't know what AO has said about that. jcm
26 Mar, 2014
From the UKC report on Dura Dura FA: ...And Adam also explained why it is harder than The Change: "If I compare it to Change I think La Dura Dura is harder, but still 9b+. Change really suits my style of climbing, the crux has some moves where you need to be really flexible and it seems to have been naturally made specifically for me. I know it might sound strange, but La Dura Dura has more straightforward climbing, but you really need to get everything wired 100%. I needed about 5 weeks for Change, and 9 weeks for La Dura Dura. I'd say that for me La Dura Dura is a better achievement because it fits my style less." Thanks, Jack
26 Mar, 2014
26 Mar, 2014
I stand corrected. Though didn't he say something which suggested he thought this was a view for him personally and he wouldn't be surprised if the majority opinion was the other way? Or something. jcm
26 Mar, 2014
I wonder how many years it will take for the grades of La Dura Dura and Change to 'settle down' into something we would consider today to be a 'consensus' grade? It seems a remarkable prospect, but of course it will happen!
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