The Big Island 8C for Ned Feehally

© Ned Feehally

We reported last week that Ned Feehally had climbed The Island 8B+ in Fontainebleau, France - now he's gone one step further to tick The Big Island 8C, first climbed by Vincent Pouchon, which adds a couple of tricky moves to the start.

Ned Feehally on The Bg Island 8C  © Ned Feehally
Ned Feehally on The Bg Island 8C
© Ned Feehally

With just a few days of his trip left after climbing The Island, it was yet another case of playing the waiting game for Ned:

"My main goal was always to climb The Big Island, it's such an amazing line. However I wasn't sure if that was a realistic goal. I decided to work my way up to it by climbing The Island first. After doing that I was sure I'd be able to to The Big Island if I could get the right conditions. I spent the rest of my trip resting up and waiting for the perfect day."

Ned on The Island 8B+  © Dropped Pie Productions
Ned on The Island 8B+
© Dropped Pie Productions

Cutting it fine time-wise, Ned finally managed to make an ascent at the last possible opportunity:

"Fortunately on the evening of my last day the breeze picked up and it cooled down enough for me to link the problem. I was very lucky to get that small window of good conditions and I am really pleased I managed to make the most of it. It could easily have gone the other way!"

Watch a video of Ned on The Big Island below:

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Ned is one of the few people in the world to have flashed 8B+ and has climbed multiple 8C's

Ned's Athlete Page 17 posts 4 videos

2 Dec, 2015
Great effort, especially given the fact you have to perform just in that small window of opportunity. To give some perspective it would interesting to know how many ascents this has had.
2 Dec, 2015
The Big Island is not "an extension to the original problem", it IS the original problem Vincent Pochon was working on when David Graham came along. He was showed the project and where it was supposed to start, but he decided to shun the first moves because he couldn't do them and started with his elbow resting on another boulder, claiming the first ascent. Very questionable. Pochon's beta is much more logical.
2 Dec, 2015
I'm sure there are plenty of lines around the world that didn't have sit starts because they were deemed too hard at the time. I really don't get your point.....
2 Dec, 2015
But the way David Graham shortened the thing is completely illogical, I mean he did an elbow-start (?) on a ledge (??) on which he put a crash-pad (???) for extra height. It's not a question of standing start versus sit-start, it's a standing start versus a half-standing, half-leaning start with a crash-pad (when local ethics dictates you should always start from the ground and not from a crash-pad). Even though a more logical line was already there. (Plus it's Dave Graham, surely he has put up enough 8Cs to be able to do the "proper" version.)
2 Dec, 2015
Nit-picking drivel. DG pulled off the ground where he could, and the FA of The Big Island extended it to a more logical start. You don't see Ned slagging off The Island start so there's no need for you to bother.
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