First round, first minute, 9b, by Alex Megos

© Megos coll.

Alex Megos has made the 3rd ascent of Chris Sharma's First Round, First Minute (9b), 9b, at Margalef in Spain, and he waited (almost) to the last minute of 2015 to do it.

And he had quite a year!

My first highlight of 2015 was "Lucid Dreaming" my first ever 8C (V15). With "Supernova" 9a+/b I did my HARDEST first ascent ever. 
TODAY! On my LAST GO of the year, I did my HARDEST route ever with "FIRST ROUND FIRST MINUTE" 9b!!!

First round, first minute was put up by Chris Sharma in April 2011 after falling around 50 times near the top. Adam Ondra then made the second ascent in February 2014.

Here is a video with Chris Sharma on the route.

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2 Jan, 2016
Well I guess it was obvious he had it in him. Clearly far harder than Demencia Senile and Realization so good effort to Sharma making the F.A. nearly 5 years ago.
3 Jan, 2016
It is however the fourth ascent (as far as I know) since Sharma, Ondra and Schubert have all done it (that I know of). And yes, wow the kid is freakishly strong and (in my opinion) so inspirational.
9 Jan, 2016
I was mistaken. Schubert climbed Fight or Flight, also 9b
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