Planta de Shiva, 9b, by Jakob Schubert

© Elias Holzknecht/ WOODSLAVE productions

Jakob Schubert on Planta de Shiva, 9b, Villanueva del Rosario, Spain  © Elias Holzknecht/ WOODSLAVE productions
Jakob Schubert on Planta de Shiva, 9b, Villanueva del Rosario, Spain
© Elias Holzknecht/ WOODSLAVE productions
Jakob Schubert has made the 2nd ascent of Adam Ondra's Planta de Shiva, 9b, at Villanueva del Rosario near Malaga in southern Spain. Last year at roughly the same time he did his first 9b, Chris Sharma's Fight or flight.

This means Jakob is only the 4th ever, after Sharma, Ondra and Andrada to climb two 9b's.

After the biggest fight of my life I managed to clip the anchor of this amazing 9b in Villanueva del Rosario. 2nd Ascent after Adam Ondra. Super happy and proud to have send this one, my hardest route so far. Time for fiesta!​

So, Jakob, it's becoming a good tradition for you climbing 9b on your Christmas break! 

Yeah obviously I have the most time during the winter for some bigger rock trips and I love the challenge of such a hard route, so it was the goal for this trip once again.

I got the impression you sort of gave up on the route and then came back... True?​

Yeah that is true, I really struggled in the beginning and had the wrong mindset, climbed some other routes over a few days and returned with a lot more motivation and confidence.

Never surrender!

Must be a great feeling to sort of beat your own mind like that!
Yeah man, was a very great process in which I learned a lot about myself.

For more from Jakob; listen to this podcast


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Jakob Schubert is one of the world's top climbers. He excels at competitions, sport climbing and bouldering. He recently climbed Perfecto Mundo (9b+) in Margalef becoming only the fifth climber to reach the...

Jakob's Athlete Page 50 posts 14 videos

9 Jan, 2016
Nice! I guess the next contenders for joining the 2 x 9b club would be Sachi Amma, Magnus Midtbo and Megos of course :)
9 Jan, 2016
Just realised Dani Andrada has also climbed two 9b's; Delincuente natural and Ali-Hulk sit start extension.
9 Jan, 2016
Awesome news. 9b seems a very elite grade. Any idea how long it took him? Isn't Ali Hulk more of a boulder-route so perhaps shouldn't count? And what's Delincuente? Though he's also done Chilam Balam now too (unless it settles at 9a+).
9 Jan, 2016
A boulder problem of nearly 100 moves and off the deck the whole way?? Edit: 86 moves actually
11 Jan, 2016
What is a boulder-route!? if it gets a route grade it's a route, surely.
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