2nd ascent of Off the Wagon Sit (Font 8C+) for Jimmy Webb

© mellow

American climber Jimmy Webb has claimed the 2nd ascent of Shawn Raboutou's Off the Wagon Sit (Font 8C+) in Val Bavona, Switzerland. The problem was made famous by Chris Sharma and Dave Graham's attempts in the films Dosage 3 & 4 before Nalle Hukkataival finally climbed the first ascent of the stand start in 2012. In 2018, Shawn Raboutou nabbed the first ascent of the sit start.

The crux of the problem revolves around a huge move off poor crimps and terrible footholds. After this, there is a crowd-pleasing campus cross through. Webb attempted the problem for several days in 2019 but had to leave empty handed. This year, the problem went relatively quickly for him and the video below shows him climbing it with apparent ease:

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Jimmy Webb is one of the world's top boulderers, with multiple Font 8C+ problems on his CV. He has been at the forefront of pushing into new grade boundaries for several years and made first ascents worldwide.

Jimmy's Athlete Page 56 posts 11 videos

28 Feb, 2020

Whilst listening to Drake no less. I can't think of less inspirational music to boulder to but then I am British, older than these young chaps and largely a bit of a punter.

28 Feb, 2020

Will be interesting when the farmer moves the wagon!

28 Feb, 2020

I wish I could take his motivational spotters with me everywhere I go in life. I think I'd feel like a super hero all the time!

28 Feb, 2020

Those 'bros' sounded positively orgasmic. A bit much for me.

Edit: On second thoughts, I might pinch the audio from that and play it back while I'm sieging my next 7A project... Could be the difference maker I need!

28 Feb, 2020

Was gonna comment exactly that!

Reckon this is also the most famous "wagon" in bouldering?

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