Daila Ojeda in the DolomitesFri Night Vid

© Black Diamond

This week's Friday Night Video takes us to the Dolomites, where Daila Ojeda attempts her perfect sport climb: Menhir (8b) at​​ Meisules dala Biesces, Sella Towers, Italy. 

The route was first climbed by Eisendle Haspeter in 1994. Ojeda described the route and her experience shortly after her ascent:

'A perfectly sculpted overhanging piece of rock lost in a sea of traditional climbing. There is not a climbing sector, no warm-ups... it's just one route there - so perfect. I had sporadically tried it last July, but never put enough time into it to feel progression, I actually didn't know if I could send it. The weather in that area is always a drama (it rains almost every day) and finding somebody that could or/and want to try it wasn't easy either. Having a motivated partner trying it with me for consecutive days was of great help.'

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