Moughton Nab access route - do we lean left or right?

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 mpickering 07 May 2024

It would be good to clarify the access route to Moughton Nab is at the moment.

The crag page firstly suggests not to access the crag by the path between Helwith Bridge and Foredale (which is the "right" route), it can clearly be seen from the map that the access land doesn't allow any approach from this side. It states access must be made from the "left" route (which agrees with northern limestone and BMC RAD).

It's then also noted that the landowner suggested in Sept 2023 to access via the "right" route  . The crag page seems to endorse as being a "reasonable suggestion" which contradicts the previous paragraph saying that the only access should be made by the "left" route.

My memory tells me that the fence across the drystone wall between Sporadic Walls and Soft Centre has been repaired since last summer. So perhaps this is a matter of sorting out a problem before it becomes one. I imagine the farmer doesn't want his sheep to fall into a very deep quarry.

Could someone clarify whether we should be leaning left or right on this matter? It would be good to make the crag description self-consistent (and more concise) on this matter.

In reply to mpickering:

2 seperate landowners. 

Traditional access was from the left. The land to the right of Dry Rigg is not access land and there no right of way up to the crags. 

Didn't help that last year despite repeated requests to avoid overhanging buttress and soft centre climbing continued, probably disturbing 3 pairs of Buzzards that were at least prospecting, if not nesting in area. 

Access from left is not that great since the quarry edged north, newest extension makes things worse as it cut out the 'middle path' 

Safest bet is to go up and over to the left then drop down to the crags from above. 

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