Tintagel / Il Duce / Access

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Can anyone shed any light on a report that two climbers were turned way from climbing at Tintagel by English Heritage sometime last year? I don't have much to go on but the grapevine tells one of them was called of them was called 'Misha' and presumably they had intended climbing Il Duce. I've checked with the only Misha I know (Misha Nep...of the CC) but it wasn't him.

I really could do with speaking with them before going back to English Heritage so please either message here or get me via [email protected] if you have any knowledge of this.

In the meantime, there have been no changes to the access agreement Iain Peters and I reached with English Heritage in May 2022 which quoting RAD is as follows:

Further to discussions between English Heritage and the BMC in late 2021 / early 2022 the following access agreement was reached in May 2022:

1. Climbing is allowed in April, May, June, July & September only; climbing is not permitted in August.

2. Climbers must be current BMC members and hold public liability insurance to the value of £15 million (note: this is standard with BMC membership).

3. Permission must be sought no less than 5 days in advance by contacting the English Heritage Tintagel office (email: [email protected]); your BMC membership will be checked before permission is granted, please provide the following for each climber in your email: full name, date of birth, address, date you intend climbing at Tintagel

4. Climbers must report to the main site entrance office (near the new bridge) between 9.00-10.00am; English Heritage staff will then accompany climbers to the access point before the site is opened to the public at 10.00am.

5. It is assumed that climbers will come well-prepared with up-to-date guidebook information detailing the nature of climbing and the particular access points for High Cliff (Il Duce) and North Cliff.

6. Access is limited to 4 climbers per day and the normal admission charge will apply.

Sensitivities do still remain over climbing at Tintagel so please respect these arrangements. The site is a popular tourist destination so please keep a low profile and out of view as much as possible (when gearing up etc).

 McHeath 07 May 2024
In reply to Dave Turnbull, BMC:

Maybe this one? The grades fit, and he loves sea cliff climbing:

In reply to McHeath:

thanks - but that's the Misha I know and it wasn't him


 spenser 07 May 2024
In reply to Dave Turnbull, BMC:

Possibly Mischa Hawker Yates? He used to post on here as Mischa HY I think?

In reply to spenser:

maybe someone on this thread who knows him can ask him

 mrjonathanr 07 May 2024
In reply to Dave Turnbull, BMC:

You'll find him on ukb

In reply to Dave Turnbull, BMC:

Sorted now, thanks everyone.

Turns out two climbers (including a Misha) had twice contacted English Heritage about visiting Tintagel last May but had used the main EH email address from their website and didn't get a response.

To be clear - the correct address for climbers to use is:

[email protected]

Il Duce is a great sea cliff adventure route for those who haven't done it, pick a dry spell though as the crux is tricky if damp. Definitely one for the tick list.

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