Bouldering Mallorca

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 ving 12 Apr 2024


I'm going to Mallorca in the end of may and was wondering if there is any information about the bouldering in Boquer valley which is more than what is on UKC already. Is there restrictions or anything I would need to know prior etc.

Any information would be appreciated

 Stichtplate 12 Apr 2024
In reply to ving:

No restrictions really, just go for a wander. Lots to go at, stunning scenery, inquisitive goats and beautiful, crystal clear water for a cooling dip at the end of the day (though the "beach" is purely pebble and stone).

Word of warning though, Pollenca is very expensive.

In reply to ving:

I had a play last year (also going again in August). I didn't manage to find all the boulders but I was able to locate and work out where some of the climbs were without a topo. I really needed a pad on a few of the climbs but I had to do without. Definitely worth it though. 

I went early morning before it got too hot. 


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