Late May destination

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 bjoe 01 Apr 2024


I am looking for a good destination, preferably in Europe for a nice 3-4 day hut-to-hut walk.

My worry is that in the vast majority of European ranges huts only open during June, and there might be too much snow for my technical abilities.

Any suggestions?


 PeakTrekker 30 Apr 2024
In reply to bjoe:

I'd recommend checking out the Pelvoux Massif in France. While there may still be some snow in the higher elevations in late May, many of the huts open up mid-month and the terrain is generally quite safe if you stick to maintained trails. It's a beautiful area with stunning granite spires and plenty of easy to moderate routes between huts. The Rif du Lac hut makes a great base and it's an easy day hike to Lac Robert which is always stunning in spring. Definitely check hut opening dates but I think Pelvoux could work well for your timeline and ability.

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