Three-day parking near Pooley Bridge?

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 Tony the Blade 29 Apr 2024

Is there anywhere I can leave my van for three days near Pooley Bridge?

I'm walking around Ullswater from Sunday morning and wondered if anyone with local knowledge could advise on where to park? I've looked at Dunmallard Hill and that is 24 hours maximum.

Any ideas? TIA, TtB

Edit: I don't mind paying.

Post edited at 17:33
 shuffle 29 Apr 2024
In reply to Tony the Blade:

I have left a car for a few days in the car park behind the Sun Inn. I paid the person on the gate for the number of days needed as I drove in and it felt much more secure than leaving in a layby.

It was a good few years ago (and I think recommended by someone on here) but I would be surprised if you can't still park there.

 coldfell 29 Apr 2024
In reply to Tony the Blade:

The only option I can think of is parking in Stainton (St.Johns Road, wide with a long layby) and then pickup the Eamont Way near Rheged which is a very pleasant 3 miles to PB. It has been created to link the Ullswater way to Penrith/Railway station. You could shorten this by getting a bus from Tirril to PB, which run hourly.

In reply to shuffle:

I like the idea of leaving it somewhere more secure than a lay-by. I'll make enquiries.

Thank you

In reply to coldfell:

I've just had a look and I think it may be a touch too far as my timings are fairly tight. I will take a look at bus times and the possibility of a taxi (or even a thumb).

Thank you

 shuffle 29 Apr 2024
In reply to Tony the Blade:

You're welcome! Enjoy your walk 😀

 Sware 29 Apr 2024
In reply to shuffle:

Yes I would think this is still an option, I park there for work. £4 or £5 a day I think.

In reply to Sware:

I'll give them a call tomorrow. Thank you

In reply to Tony the Blade:

No answer so I've emailed them... fingers crossed!

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