Mountain ridges and routes around Ulamertorsuaq, Tasermiut

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 GarethSL 09 May 2024

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has any tips/info for alpine ridges and climbs on the subsidiary peaks around the Ulamertorsuaq and Ketil massifs.

I have looked into Farmer's Peak ( nunaatilik qaqqaq ) (MVS 4c) which as i understand it is on the the north side of Ulamertorsuaq, basically forming a north/north east ridge. Anyone have any info on the north/ northwest ridge that is the smaller (1680 m) peak often shown with the main Ulamertorsuaq bigwall (on the left here:

Have some info from a friend for the ridge on the south west side of the Ketil massif too, but any info on other areas that people have explored would be great.  

Post edited at 10:13
OP GarethSL 14 May 2024
In reply to GarethSL:

Casual bump just in case anyone is online

 Wil Treasure 14 May 2024
In reply to GarethSL:

I would take the description from Farmer's Peak with a pinch of salt. It's a very minor peak visible from the camping at Point 72. I suspect it's easier than described and quite rambling. That's not to say it isn't a fun day out.

Some of our team walked up the east side of the Ketil Pyramid (the smaller peak on SW of Ketil. It was mostly walking, with some steeper sections over slabs.

We were rock climbing and didn't explore much in the way of ridges. The valley leading east from Point 72 was spectacular, but it didn't have obvious ridge mountaineering routes. Suikkasuaq to the south had a couple of I remember rightly. The peak you mention to the NW of Ulamertorsuaq has some rock climbs on the face, but I don't recall if the ridge has been climbed. Some of our team ventured into the coire behind it, which was a bit of a rock funnel.

OP GarethSL 14 May 2024
In reply to Wil Treasure:

Thanks Wil, really appreciate your reply! Had also been mooching through instagram around that area and came across your post which was very helpful in getting names for some of the nearby mountains that are missing off my map.

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