Sold: Gym crash mat - 2.44m x 1.38m x 20 cm

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 ericincheddar (user since 08/Aug/05) 09 May 2024
The seller has now marked this as sold
Price: £90.00

2.44m x 1.38m x 20cm (8' x 4'6" x 8") Beemat gymnastics crash mat. Great for a home climbing wall (that's what I used it for), children's play area or home exercise set up. Very good condition. Anti-slip panel on base. £426 new. Collection only from Bristol BS16.

OP ericincheddar 15 May 2024
In reply to ericincheddar:

I would add that

* the mat is exactly the width of a standard plywood panel of a home board.

* it makes for a much more pleasant landing than a bouldering mat.

* it is squishy enough to fold in two or three for transporting

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