Boot with cushioned support?

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 Fredt 15 May 2024

After a climbing injury 8 years ago which resulted in screws in my heel, and weak ankle ligaments, I struggled to find suitable walking boots. My ankle always swelled up painfully after a few miles.

For the last 4 years I have hiked with Hoka Kaha, which being very plush cushioned has solved most problems, reducing ankle swelling, and painful soles, and allow long distances up to 20-30 miles -on friendly terrain, brilliant boots, but the fairly soft uppers cause ankle rolling on uneven Bleaklow tussocks., which brings back the swelling.

So for more rugged terrain, (and when crampons have been required) I have used some Hanwag GTX, (not sure of model) which have great ankle support, but reduce the mileage somewhat.

I'm lucking for a cross between the two. Something with great cushioning for the sole of the foot, but solid ankle support. Like an alpine boot with cushioning in the soles? Or a cushioned walking boot, with good ankle support?

Maybe there isn't such a thing, but if anyone has any suggestions, I'd be very grateful.


For the last 4 years I've 

 a crap climber 15 May 2024
In reply to Fredt:

Have you experimented with different insoles/footbeds? There's plenty of options on the market to add cushioning. I can't really recommend any, I use superfeet for the arch support but they're not the softest. Sofsole used to do some cushioned ones but they changed their rage and I haven't tried them for ages so don't know what they're like these days. Maybe Sorbothane? I'm sure someone will be along with some better suggestions.

OP Fredt 15 May 2024
In reply to Fredt:

I've tried sorbothane with my stiff boots, but there's insufficient room, (I forgot to mention my PCSsole Orthotic Arch Supports, which sorted my hip and knee problems. 
I may consider some bigger alpine boots with room for the sorbothane and support insoles, but I'll wait to see if there are other suggestions.

 CantClimbTom 15 May 2024
In reply to Fredt:

Left field maybe, but are wellies with an added gel insole any use to you. IMHO... wellies are underrated, they're blooming good for walking and scrambling. (Provided you don't get ones with the "wiggly" soles for shedding building  site muck and you get the traditional/normal chunky Welly soles)

 JimmyClimber24 15 May 2024
In reply to a crap climber:

I've had to do the same add cushioning, I have multiple pairs of shoes that really do hurt my feet so thought i'd invest in some good insoles and its the best thing I did 

 Rick Graham 15 May 2024
In reply to Fredt:

The mrs is an avid walker and insists the only system that works for her ankles/feet is trail shoes, orthotics and ankle supports. 

She has been through several pairs of " active ankle " and over twice the number of shoes over the last 15 years. The latest replacement pair is a very similar design to the active ankle but at a far more reasonable price, the new?  importer recently jacked up the price.

 Maximusf 16 May 2024
In reply to Fredt:


Recently bought a few pairs of mammut mountain boots with the memory foam system and they seem very forgiving compared to Nepal evos and trango cubes. The mammut boots like the kento advanced and the taiss light all come with better than average innersoles compared to other brands. So maybe try mammut they aren't very narrow but they do feel on the slim side. The kento advanced is B1 and is a cross between a walking and a mountaineering boot. 


I've found superfeet orange to be the best all rounders, but the plastic insert can eat shoes. Sidas to do a good job for alpine boots better than superfeet IMO. But if one fits better than the other just go with what fits.

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