Staoineag to Luibeilt walk

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 sarma 02 Apr 2024

I am thinking of a bothy / camping trip at some point in the next couple of weeks. Starting in Kinlochleven, along to Loch Chiarain and Corrour and then back via either Staoineag or Meanach. Given the recent rain and water levels I'm assuming the ford of the Abhainn Rath from Meanach over to Luibeilt might be impassable. Has anyone got any advice on the practicalities of staying south of the river between Staoineag and Luibeilt thus avoiding that river crossing? I am imagining it might be a hideous trackless swampy bog. Plus you also have to cross the Giubhsachan which presumably could be difficult as well. 

 allanscott 05 Apr 2024
In reply to sarma:

Hi, Was up the Kinlochleven to Loch Chiarain track last weekend. Off the main track the ground is, unsurprisingly, very soft and wet. Tramping trackless terrain with a big pack will be be pretty grim and the continuing poor weather (wet/windy/some snow) can only make things worse! Camping, I would imagine would not be much fun. Stick to firmer ground if you can.

OP sarma 05 Apr 2024
In reply to allanscott:

Thank you for confirming what I suspected. The forecast seems to be getting steadily worse for next week so I think it's not going to be a goer. It was going to be an Easter holiday adventure with my kids and although I'm not averse to a bit of Type 2 fun they haven't quite grasped that concept. We've done similar expeditions at this time of year but the weather has been on our side. 

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