Thessaloniki/ Kavala [19th May - 1st June]

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 bpe 11 May 2024

A bit of a long shot. I'm planning to be in Kavala or Thessaloniki between the 19th of May and the 1st of June. I'm easing myself back into sport climbing after a longer break and am now in the 6s. I have a rope, a full rack and a car.

Some of these days I'll be working ~11.30~7.30 local Greek time, but can still do early mornings. I'm bringing my road bike along and plan to alternate this with climbing (in case you are into both).

I'm planning to leave from Bucharest either on the 17th or 18th and have a free seat.


Separate question - does anyone know an active Greek climbing forum? I'd have a few questions on the conditions of the bolts in Kavala given they're on the coast.


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