Found Opticals at Bamford today

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 Paul Hy 05 May 2024

describe them and where you think you left them and ill post.

In reply to Paul Hy:

Hi Paul! 

Thank god you found those, we had a very nice climbing day on Sunday but quite expensive. 

We left YY Vertical belay glasses, the exact model is They were inside the box (didn't end up using them at all) and the box has a small black carabiner attached to it and they are in a very good state (bought them less than a year ago and hardly used them). We believe we left them on the left-hand side Neb buttress area as we were about to use them to climb on N.B. Corner. 

We actually also lost a Decathlon puffy jacked (black outside orange inside) which had black gloves in the pockets (which have holes). We probably left the jacked on Gargoyle Buttress or Great Tor though, where we climbed later that day...

Happy to recive it by post (we will pay for postage) or collect them, we are based in Coventry.

Thank you very much for taking the time to make this post.


OP Paul Hy 10 May 2024
In reply to Marc Homs Dones:

Hi Marc, sorry for delay in getting back to you, I've been off grid in Wales!  Yeap your glasses for sure hardly looked used? I've got similar but the clip-on type and onlyy use them indoors.   Didnt see a jacket there though!  Btw they were at Neb Buttress. 

Send us your address and lll post them. 


In reply to Paul Hy:

Hi Paul,

Hope you enjoyed your Wales trip! I have sent you my address through email and feel free to contact me through WhatsApp +34652411831 to sort out reimbursement of postage. Luckily I found the jacket in another post

Thanks again,


In reply to Paul Hy:

Opticals received! Thank you very much to Paul and I'll make sure to return the favour to the community

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