Skuidge (?) Climbing Holds

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 Iamgregp 08 May 2024

There’s a route on the cafe floor at The Castle which has a sign up asking for feedback on the holds saying they’re made out of a new, softer type of material that’s meant to be less abrasive on your hands (plus a load of other plus points taken from the manufacturer).

It’s a blue 6b+ and so, always keen to try new stuff, I jumped on…

Now before I reply to The Castle, giving my feedback, can I just check if anyone she has tried it and, like me, found it absolutely f*****g dreadful?!

Just no friction at all on the hands, there was little side pulls I kept on just slipping off, then when I looked at my hands my tips were completely clean of chalk where I’d been touching them. They basically felt damp.

Made the tricky but doable enough 6b+ feel way, way harder than had have been made out of normal holds.

Or am I just a big sweaty wuss?

 DaveHK 08 May 2024
In reply to Iamgregp:

Sounds like they're doing a great job of mimicking polished limestone.

OP Iamgregp 08 May 2024
In reply to DaveHK:

Funnily enough that was exactly what was going through my mind when I was climbing it… that same feeling of “well this was once a 6b+….”

I mean if you’re off on a trip to the Cuttings it’s an ideal training set!

 Sterling22 08 May 2024
In reply to DaveHK:

We’ve had a replica of Burden of Dreams, now it’s time for a replica of Minus Ten

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