Dave Graham back on fire!

© Dave Graham
Dave Graham has moved back to Europe and is living in Verbier, Switzerland where it sounds he is having the climbing time of his life, after recovering from a hand injury. Last week he climbed a huge roof Scarred for Life, Font 8b+/V14, but as he put it on, “maybe harder”.

But it is his exploration in the Swiss boulder fields that is getting him psyched, including a possible Fr9b route. This from his blog at

"I have already put 4 serious days of effort into it. It happens to be really long, 30 moves I think, which makes sense, as the boulder it's under happens to massive. Yes, it is the coolest single rock I have ever found, and YES, it has another project, which I am absolutely in love with. Yes it's the hardest line I have seen in my life, and YES its possible. YES since it the hardest thing I have ever seen, it's not going to be so easy. Years! It will take time..."

Catch up with the latest entry (September 11th) on his blog at

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Dave Graham has been a top boulderer and sport climber for nearly two decades. He has made the first ascents of a huge number of cutting edge boulder problems including The Story of Two Worlds, Big Paw and...

Dave's Athlete Page 41 posts 5 videos

19 Sep, 2006
another quote "Since I have recovered from my recent dishwashing accident (which was not funny) I have decided there are three projects that I can actually do out of everything I have been scoping" A bad dishwashing accident! Blimey, I thought it would be overuse for sure. How do pro climbers manage to sustain their incredible performance! They seem impervious to the aches and pains us normal peeps suffer! Bahh Anyway, hats off to Graham as ever. It seems even dishwater cant put out his fire!
19 Sep, 2006
Similar to Tommy Caldwell accidently amputating his finger with a circular saw whist doing some DIY then going onto climb the Nose and the Salathé free in a day......amongst other impressive climbs. Mick
19 Sep, 2006
Thats right, I've watched a video of Caldwell on the Monkeyface doing some route on the arete its just incredible how hard he can crank on 4 digits. He says his climbing has suffered on some types of climb like crack climbing though. From interviews I've read with Graham it seems he just climbs all the time, obviously varying intensity but clearly even his active rest days involve sending sick hard stuff. These guys have digits of steel. The common theme seems to be that they are all super light skeletons. Clearly the is an equation here. Pies + heavy cranking + regular sessions = finger injuries ! Think I'll cut down on the heavy cranking and regular sessions. Soon my pie eating will be at V11 grade for sure!
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