Another 8A for Mina but no MandalaVideo

© David Mason

Mina Leslie-Wujastyk on Gentleman's Project (8A), Joe's Valley, USA.  © David Mason
Mina Leslie-Wujastyk on Gentleman's Project (8A), Joe's Valley, USA.
© David Mason
Top British boulderer Mina Leslie-Wujastyk has climbed yet another Font 8A with her recent ascent of Gentleman's Project at Joe's Valley, USA.

Commenting on the problem on her blog, Mina said:

"I was trying to finish off Gentleman's Project, a great line with a very shouldery crux followed by a deadpoint to a good hold. After writing my last blog I had a very frustrating day where I climbed through the crux first go and then fell at the lip when I got my hand position wrong, and not realising why, couldn't do the final move! So annoying! I then fell time after time on the crux until I was too tired to keep going. Disappointed to make it so close, but also encouraged that I could climb it, I took a rest day. Invigorated by a shower (and some bakery delights from the Food Ranch), two days later I returned and, despite some nerves, did it first go. I was so happy, this was my favourite climb in Joe's Valley and we left for Bishop that night."

(Watch the video of Mina on Gentleman's Project at the base of this page)

Interestingly, Mina headed to Bishop to try the world famous boulder problem The Mandala, first climbed by Chris Sharma.

Mina commented on her blog:

"I still wanted to check out the line that I have swooned over for years and at 7:30am I went to try the Mandala. A complete non-starter. Discussing the problem in Boulder with Alex Johnson, she had said to me: "If you can make the first big move you will do the problem". This now made perfect sense, the first move is massive. The problem was originally done a different way, a shorter but apparently harder move, before a crucial hold broke. This break lowered the grade but, as far as I can tell, increased the span required. I could just reach between the holds but the power required to make the move is something I doubt I will ever possess. So, within 15 minutes, a lifelong ambition had been crossed off my mental list; I will admit I was pretty disappointed..."

Mina has now continued her road trip and headed to Yosemite Valley, California.

VIDEO: Mina Leslie-Wujastyk, Gentleman's Project

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Born in 1987, Mina has been climbing since she was 8 years old. She gained fame with some hard bouldering ascents and on the competition scene, but lately has been cutting her teeth as a top level sport climber.

Mina's Athlete Page 32 posts 6 videos

9 Nov, 2012
The problem on the video called 'The Angle' looks a lot like 'Not to be taken away'.
9 Nov, 2012
I meant the Angler not The Angle.
10 Nov, 2012
In reply to Adam Moroz yeh its uncanny, only difference being the water at the top! what a line.
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