VIDEO - Marmot PROs Steve McClure and Leah Crane

© UKC News

In British climbing, when we talk about the cutting edge of the sport in the modern day there is one name that will ALWAYS crop up in the discussion. 

Steve McClure has been at the forefront of British climbing for more than two decades. He lays claim to being our most prolific sport climber and one of our most accomplished trad climbers with significant repeats and standard-raising first ascents being commonplace throughout his career. Only a very small number of people can include sport routes of 9a and upwards and trad routes of E11 on their climbing CV across the world…McClure is one of them.

2014 sees Steve headline Kendal Mountain Festival for the first time in its long history. Additionally, the event will also coincide with the launch of his first book, Beyond Limits, an autobiography charting his life, influences, career and some of the most interesting topics surrounding it.

Leading up to this year’s Kendal Mountain Festival, we have a new series of short films looking at one of Steve’s favourite climbing destinations in the UK. As he tours some of its most iconic venues with long-time friend, Leah Crane, we learn a little bit more about what motivates him, what pushes him and what he sees in his climbing for the future.

In this first episode, we look at one of Steve’s favourite early hard trad repeats, **The Mau Mau (E4 6a), E4 6a** in the Dinorwig Slate mines close to Llanberis. The area is steeped in heritage and culture and also presents a unique climbing style that is justifiably notorious and globally famous.


Tickets for this year’s Kendal Mountain Festival are now on sale, including tickets for Steve’s lecture, also named, Beyond Limits. Click here for tickets.

The famous Marmot tent will make its second appearance at this year’s Kendal Mountain Festival and will host a number of interesting and exciting free lectures and more. On Friday Night UKC Chief Editor and MarmotPRO Jack Geldard will make his Marmot tent debut with: So You Think You Can Make A Living From Climbing? followed by the effervescent and hugely popular Room Full of Mirrors with music to bring the night to an exciting climax.

On Saturday morning Steve McClure in association with Vertebrate Publishing will launch his new autobiography: Beyond Limits. Steve will be on hand for a book reading and book signing; be one of the first to get a copy from 10am.

If mountains and food are your thing, then a gourmet wilderness cooking demonstration with Kieran Creevy could be just the ticket. Showcasing some culinary delights that any aspiring forager can pick up, Kieran will give you a taste of the finest mountain food you’ve ever tasted.

Finally, following Steve McClure’s headline lecture at this year’s festival, Little Steve & the Business will be in the tent to liven things up with free beer (Steve McClure lecture ticket holders only) and electrifying rhythm & blues played to perfection. If you are looking for a party with a different flavour, Little Stevie won't let you down.

Enter our competition to win £1000 worth of Marmot gear here. 
Stay tuned for the next episode in this three-part series - Diamond in the Rough coming next week.


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I have been climbing for over twenty years ... I first 'touched rock' aged 3 and started to climb frequently from the age of 5. Dave Dicks was my first ever coach & I trained with him twice a week for around...

Leah's Athlete Page 23 posts 1 video

Nice one Leah... <3 slate.
31 Oct, 2014
I've just purchased several tickets for films and lectures at Kendal but now realise I won't be able to stay on Saturday night for the Steve McClure lecture (6pm to 7.30pm on Sat 22nd) If anyone wants to make me a reasonable offer I have 2 tickets (full price £12.50 each) for this event. Send me a direct email to arrange. Dave
31 Oct, 2014
How refreshing, Leah's honesty is inspiring. One of the best vids for a while.
31 Oct, 2014
Really enjoyed that. I'd always assumed it was always abject punters like myself who were scared of falling so it's nice to hear it affects those climbing harder grades too. If, in your head, falling isn't an option, then it does put a ceiling on your climbing that's sometimes frustrating.
1 Nov, 2014
Excellent video.
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