Dave MacLeod - Life is on IceVideo

© UKC News

Winter climbing in Scotland is a unique experience, often a masochistic one. Harsh weather and precarious protection make for bold routes with a ferocity that belies their relatively short length.

For the moment, we have to admire Ben Nevis in all its splendour from a distance, and remember that it will still be there waiting for us in the near future.

In this video hosted by Mountain Equipment, filmed a few weeks ago on a rare sunny day on Moonwalk(IV), Dave MacLeod reflects on what life in lockdown means for climbers and the outdoors, and looks forward to the day when we can return to the mountains.

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People in the wider world of climbing tend to hear about my climbing through the well known films E11 or Echo Wall or my book 9 out of 10 climbers make the same...

Dave's Athlete Page 90 posts 21 videos

8 Apr, 2020

A really nice video - though it does rub in what we all had to pass up when quarantine started

8 Apr, 2020

If I'd had a day as good as that this winter I'd be a bit happier at the moment...

8 Apr, 2020

Haha, Moonwalk, the scene of one of my most disastrous days - great climb, lovely aspect, an ice route so best to take ice screws - a wee tumble from me on the last pitch whilst trying to set up the belay meant a lengthy fall, had to climb back up to then make belay, get my mate up who then, Scottish style, pissed himself at my misfortune -oh the joys - and then to see Dave solo it for this is funny.

Routes will still be there once this passes, home fitness training for me ........

9 Apr, 2020

If you want to see him send another project on the boulder he mentions, and hear Dave's cool Scottish voice walking through the kind of simple yet deep philosophical treatise we've come to expect from him, check this out:

9 Apr, 2020

This takes me back, such a great way to finish the season, have done exactly this on the same route back in the 90's, in fact i think i have soloed just about every route on the Brenva face over the years, it's that much fun, there is no better feeling than a stress free romp up this sunlit face to the summit.

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