Will Bosi and Molly Thompson-Smith make Combined Finals, Olympic Ticket within Reach

© Alex Messenger/GB Climbing

GB Climbing's Will Bosi and Molly Thompson-Smith have qualified for tomorrow's IFSC European Championships Combined Finals in 3rd and 6th place respectively following a strong performance in today's Combined Qualifier event. The top 8 competitors from today's qualifying round will aim to win tomorrow's final and clinch a ticket to Tokyo the last quota place available to European athletes.

Molly Thompson-Smith and Will Bosi  © Alex Messenger/GB Climbing
Molly Thompson-Smith and Will Bosi
© Alex Messenger/GB Climbing

Will finished 7th in Speed, =1st in Boulder and 12th in Lead, while Molly placed 16th in Speed, 6th in Boulder and 2nd in Lead. With arguably his strongest discipline still to go, Will was in 1st place after the Speed and Boulder rounds.

Molly finished 3rd in the Lead individual discipline European Championship final on Wednesday night.

Shauna Coxsey is the only British athlete qualified for Tokyo 2020 so far, following her 3rd place in the Hachioji World Championships last year.

Sascha Lehmann (SUI) and Eliska Adamovska (CZE) are currently leading the Combined event heading into tomorrow's finals.

Full results from Moscow here.

Watch the Combined Finals tomorrow from 12:50 via the link below, or on BBC Sport's website or BBC iPlayer.

12:50 Women's Combined Speed Finals

13:30 Men's Combined Speed Finals

14:30 Women's Combined Boulder Finals

16:00 Men's Combined Boulder Finals

18:00 Women's Combined Lead Finals and Men's Combined Lead Finals

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Edinburgh born Will Bosi is one of the world's top climbers. At just 17 years of age, Will became the youngest Brit to have climbed 9a with his repeat of Rainshadow at Malham Cove. In 2018 he became first British male...

Will's Athlete Page 62 posts 34 videos

28 Nov, 2020

Buzzing, can’t wait for the final! Well done guys!

28 Nov, 2020

Didn’t realised Charlie had stepped back from commentating, really enjoyed listening to his insight and I hope he finds success in the future.

28 Nov, 2020

This may not be a popular opinion but....

I cant help find watching speed climbing really tedious, once you've watched one you've seen them all.

Looking forward to the other disciplines.

28 Nov, 2020

Yes, missing him too!

Matt's doing pretty well, although he does seem to let his excitement at just sitting in that seat get him carried away sometimes. His enthusiasm can be infectious though, and his use of the English language can add extra entertainment: "Bouldering is her specialism!", or my favorite so far: "Still two women left. No, one women!"

Been watching a lot this week, and the coverage has been pretty good with some great camera work. Only one criticism: I wish they wouldn't constantly change camera angles in the middle of crux dynos!

28 Nov, 2020

I find it pretty incredible that, having been commentating the event all week, Matt Groom still struggles to pronounce Russian and even some western-European names, including the ones that have been in every single round of multiple disciplines. The 'insights' he offers are of the sort of quality I'd expect of a parent hanging about in the cafe section of a wall in Milton Keynes during a childrens' birthday party who had a six-month interest in climbing a decade ago ("a heel hook is when one of the athletes uses a heel to steady themselves on the climbing wall"), and his incessant pandering to the YouTube live chat is reminiscent of a 15-year-old streaming videogames to an audience of other 15-year-olds.

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