quad strengthening exercises for skiing with pack

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 Stone Muppet 11 Apr 2024

From limited experience I know improving my quad strength would really help when it comes to backcountry descents carrying touring kit.

I've seen some generic quad exercises for skiiers along the lines of squat-a-bit-and-hold-the-position.

I'm wondering whether these need adapting for skiing with a pack though?

Specifically how far down should I be squatting and how far forward should I be leaning?

(It doesn't help that my skiing technique is pretty blunt so I'm not sure what the answer to those questions should be during the actual descent either lol. Though my general impression is that to feel in control I always need more squat and more lean than my body is ready to deliver...)

 CantClimbTom 11 Apr 2024
In reply to Stone Muppet:

I'm not a skier but I've seen skiers doing 1.5 squats.

  • Deep squat - noticeably below parallel, ATG if you can (Ass To Grass), but as deep as you can manage with good form otherwise (if you can't  ATG)
  • Rise up to parallel, but stop at parallel or so
  • Go back down to deep/ATG again
  • Up to top

Here's a bodyweight demo

But you can do them with barbell or goblet squat with kettle bell or dumbbell. 

Did 1.5 squats myself all September and October last year and it was "challenging"...  but when I swapped back to normal squats again I felt the benefit

Edit, you'll need to reduce the weight for your usual squats, they are harder than they look, on your third set you'll see what I mean 🤣

Post edited at 12:56
 ExiledScot 11 Apr 2024
In reply to Stone Muppet:

Lunges, great for balance and maintaining equal strength in each leg. 

But, don't forget that core stability helps, so train upper and lower body, for example high rep abs, lower back & obliques.

In reply to Stone Muppet:

It sounds like you maybe leaning to far forward and trying to squat to much, this tends to lead to backseat skiing, poor control and more quad burn. It can also impinge the hip movement to steer with legs.

As an average rule of thumb you back should be matching the angle of your lower leg. I tend to find a normal day tour pack doesn’t make much difference. (I only tour so maybe just used to it), only when chucking ropes and climbing kit does it start to get a bit of pain.

For exercises I tend to do 1000m up water carries in oct-nov which helps a lot with the ups and makes to down easier. During weights sessions I do supported single leg squats and wall sits with added weight

OP Stone Muppet 11 Apr 2024
In reply to ecrinscollective:

in that case maybe this is a technique question: how can i get better control without leaning forward so much?

 Rory Shaw 11 Apr 2024
In reply to Stone Muppet:f

Flex knees and ankles so there is pressure on your shin from your boots. Dont squat to lean forward, don't stick your ass out

In reply to Stone Muppet:

Thats tricky to answer without seeing you ski. I may also be wrong, again hard to say without seeing someone ski.  In general it's good to start at the feet and build from there, making sure your balanced and have a good stance.  

here is a good video on stance -

this guy does good stuff to, he has some info on stance in this video from 7:30. Also check out he body position when he is skiing -

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