Contributed by norris.dan May/19 - This public ticklist has been seen 2,341 times

Danny Haynes punching through the fog!  © After The Send
Danny Haynes punching through the fog!
Sam Parsons (After The Send), May 2019
© After The Send

8 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st adambwalls 37% 20 Jul, 2022
2nd john1 29% 27 May
3rd emmafizzle 20% 17 Oct, 2021
4th Michael Hellyer 11% 30 Jul, 2023
5th Hidden 8% 14 Mar, 2020
6th norris.dan 3% 9 Aug, 2020
7th cavemancolumbus 1% 24 Sep, 2022

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

unknown climber on Pregnant Pause, Portland

Pregnant Pause
unknown climber on Pregnant Pause, Portland
© sebf

'Burning Skies' with a burning sky.

Burning Skies
'Burning Skies' with a burning sky.
© samparsons

Oblivion is Forever Mike Griffiths

Oblivion is Forever
Oblivion is Forever Mike Griffiths
© Mr p

John Maskell climbing the superb flowstone of Slings Shot (F5), Blacknor North, Dorset.

Slings Shot
John Maskell climbing the superb flowstone of Slings Shot (F5), Blacknor North, Dorset.
© AndyStripp

Enjoyable exposure and some winter sun.

Pregnant Pause
Enjoyable exposure and some winter sun.
© Ben.o.neill

To wish the impossible

To Wish the Impossible
To wish the impossible
© Nick Brown

Matt Cousins on England's Dreaming

England's Dreaming
Matt Cousins on England's Dreaming
© Mark Alderson

Captain Klutz and the Sailors of Fortune, 6a, Blacknor North

Captain Klutz and the Sailors of Fortune
Captain Klutz and the Sailors of Fortune, 6a, Blacknor North
© Brian H

Danny Haynes punching through the fog!

Loose Cannon
Danny Haynes punching through the fog!
© After The Send

That beautiful flowstone!

England's Dreaming
That beautiful flowstone!
© Ron Yeadon

Pregnant Pause.

Pregnant Pause
Pregnant Pause.
© mikehenesy

Rik on Lord Stublock ... (f6b+)

Lord Stublock Deepvoid Breaks the Chain of Causation
Rik on Lord Stublock ... (f6b+)
© Kafoozalem

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Teenage Riot f5+ * 66 ? Blacknor Fort
Flaming June f4+ * 121 ? Blacknor Fort
Downer f5+ * 96 ? Blacknor Fort
Sugar Cane f6A ** 81 ? Blacknor Fort
Providence f5+ ** 75 ? Blacknor Fort
Theresa's Sound World f4+ * 65 ? Blacknor Fort
Death Arête f5+ * 36 ? Blacknor Fort
Orbitus Teranium f5+ * 41 ? Blacknor Fort
Fiji f5+ ** 63 3m Blacknor Fort
La Bombe f6B+ * 35 ? Blacknor Fort
Namistai f5 * 94 ? Blacknor Fort
Sub Rosa Left f6A * 111 ? Blacknor Fort
Mercury and Solace f5 ** 260 4m Blacknor Fort
Contre le Sexisme f5+ ** 118 4m Blacknor Fort
Satellite f5+ * 109 ? Blacknor Fort
Ren and Stimpy f5+ * 106 ? Blacknor Fort
Meltdown 7a ** 83 16m Blacknor North
Drag Racing Underground 6c+ ** 42 22m Blacknor North
Seattle be the Day 6b+ ** 83 21m Blacknor North
The Fabulous Bakery Boys 6c * 56 18m Blacknor North
Indian Summer 6a * 305 18m Blacknor North
Ximenesque 6b+ 22 20m Blacknor North
Henry Rollins for President 7a+ 6 17m Blacknor North
Ironhead 7a+ ** 49 23m Blacknor North
Meg's Got Leukaemia 6a ** 884 23m Blacknor North
Cinema Paradiso 6a * 529 22m Blacknor North
Captain Klutz and the Sailors of Fortune 6a * 570 20m Blacknor North
Major Mushrooms and that Mentally Muffled Mentality 6c * 65 20m Blacknor North
Is Vic There? 7a ** 473 21m Blacknor North
Wolfgang Forever 7a ** 739 22m Blacknor North
Appleturnoverload 7a+ ** 397 22m Blacknor North
Very Sleepy River 6b ** 1138 22m Blacknor North
Toes Curl 6c+ * 64 20m Blacknor North
Downtown Julie Brown 6c *** 1321 22m Blacknor North
Reptile Smile 6a+ *** 2545 22m Blacknor North
Talking Smack 5c * 587 22m Blacknor North
Slings Shot 5a *** 3170 22m Blacknor North
Crocadilia 6a * 933 ? Blacknor North
England's Dreaming 7a+ *** 967 21m Blacknor North
Mother's Milk 6a ** 1049 21m Blacknor North
Hot From the Forge 7a * 80 20m Blacknor North
Onto the Ice Flow 7a * 119 20m Blacknor North
Shit Happens, Actually 6a ** 1515 20m Blacknor Central
21.5 Weeks 6b+ * 122 19m Blacknor Central
Nothing is Cool 6c ** 163 19m Blacknor Central
Protein Delta Strip 6c ** 147 19m Blacknor Central
Bring on the Night 6c+ * 55 21m Blacknor Central
Monsoon Malabar 6a ** 1205 22m Blacknor Central
Pregnant Pause 6a+ *** 1601 26m Blacknor Central
Big Corner HVS 4b 3 ? • 3 Blacknor Central
Suenos de España 7a+ ** 8 25m Blacknor Central
Flake Out VS 4c 4 ? Blacknor Central
The Long Walk 6c ** 221 25m Blacknor Central
Skank Central 6b+ * 104 25m Blacknor Central
Last of the Summer Wine 5c *** 103 ? Blacknor Central
Go With the Flow 6a ** 654 22m Blacknor Central
Ocean Rock 6c+ ** 143 22m Blacknor Central
Niagara Wall 7a * 4 26m Blacknor Central
Gaze of the Gorgon 6a+ ** 330 28m Blacknor Central
Blame it on the Drain 7a+ * 1 26m Blacknor Central
Portland Heights 7a *** 427 28m Blacknor Central
Grand Larceny 7a+ 10 28m Blacknor Central
Burning Skies 6c *** 539 28m Blacknor Central
Isle of Slingers 6c+ ** 230 28m Blacknor Central
Lord Stublock Deepvoid Breaks the Chain of Causation 6b+ *** 821 28m Blacknor Central
Persistence HS 4a 5 35m Blacknor Central
Port Wine VS 4c 6 ? Blacknor Central
Screw the Roses, Send me the Thorns 7a+ * 69 28m Blacknor Central
The Shells, The Shells 7a * 69 28m Blacknor Central
Driven Like the Snow 6b+ ** 279 28m Blacknor Central
Return to Roissy 6b+ ** 533 28m Blacknor Central
Last Rose of Summer 7a ** 347 28m Blacknor Central
Through the Barricades 7a+ ** 217 27m Blacknor Central
Babelicious Redhead 6c * 270 26m Blacknor Central
Blockhead HS 4b 15 20m Blacknor Central
Toe the Line 6b ** 1194 15m Blacknor South
Sacred Angel 7a ** 867 15m Blacknor South
Pining for Glossop 7a ** 275 15m Blacknor South
Oblivion is Forever 6b * 241 13m Blacknor South
Equinox 6b ** 286 ? Blacknor South
Lifeline 6a+ * 1039 11m Blacknor South
It's My Life 5a * 1553 10m Blacknor South
The Lizard of Oz 6a+ ** 1133 10m Blacknor South
Medusa Falls 7a *** 825 15m Blacknor South
To Wish the Impossible 7a *** 896 20m Blacknor South
Psychosomatic Addict 7a+ ** 195 20m Blacknor South
Kamikaze Moped 7a * 91 22m Blacknor South
The Oldest Profession 7a ** 155 22m Blacknor South
Loose Cannon 7a ** 106 22m Blacknor South
Turned to Stone 6c+ *** 549 23m Blacknor South
Bum Droplets 6b+ ** 224 23m Blacknor South
Roger the Cabin Boy 6b+ * 58 21m Blacknor South
Solar Flare 3c * 49 8m Blacknor Beach
Lunar Eclipse 3c * 106 9m Blacknor Beach
Diamond Boulder 4a ** 668 15m Blacknor Beach
Diamond Solitaire 3a * 281 10m Blacknor Beach
Portland Snowshine 3c * 280 10m Blacknor Beach
Sketchtastic 3a * 606 ? Blacknor Beach
Vertical Thrill 4a * 332 10m Blacknor Beach
The Bolt Factory 4c * 373 9m Blacknor Beach
Six Good Biceps 4c ** 916 15m Blacknor Beach
Fallen Slab 3a *** 2831 22m Blacknor Beach
Fallen Slab 3a *** 2831 22m Blacknor Beach
Right-hand Route 3a *** 636 12m Blacknor Beach
The Singing Bush 7a+ ** 85 16m Blacknor Far South
Chaos UK 7a+ ** 51 17m Blacknor Far South
The Unknown Soldier 6b+ ** 297 19m Blacknor Far South
Fear's Younger Brother 6a *** 813 19m Blacknor Far South
Ocean Drive 6b *** 613 19m Blacknor Far South
Kendo Nagasaki 7a+ ** 137 20m Blacknor Far South
The Strobolising Scyphostoma 7a+ ** 116 20m Blacknor Far South
Kill a Gent's Tart 6c+ ** 97 20m Blacknor Far South
Rag 'n' Bone Man 6b ** 236 20m Blacknor Far South
Steptoe and Son 6c * 67 20m Blacknor Far South
Reality Bites 6b+ ** 159 20m Blacknor Far South
Slumberland 6a+ * 60 21m Blacknor Far South
Slumberland Direct 6b+ ** 123 20m Blacknor Far South
Nobody's Hero 6c ** 204 21m Blacknor Far South
Great Barrier Reef 7a+ ** 91 22m Blacknor Far South
Crown of Thorns 7a+ ** 36 21m Blacknor Far South
Wax on Wheels 7a+ ** 54 22m Blacknor Far South
Cerebellum 6c+ ** 58 21m Blacknor Far South
So Special 7b * 38 20m Blacknor Far South
Mechanoids 7a ** 140 20m Blacknor Far South
Cliché Upon Cliché 6c ** 97 20m Blacknor Far South
Paying It Forward 6a+ ** 422 19m Blacknor Far South
Escape from the Dwaafee Room 6a ** 557 19m Blacknor Far South
Punter's Way 6a+ ** 435 19m Blacknor Far South
Blackthorn Winter 6c * 114 20m Blacknor Far South
Master of the Rolls 7a+ ** 97 20m Blacknor Far South
The Sponginess of the Wrong Mixture Filler 6b ** 60 ? Blacknor Far South
Good Lay 6b ** 38 ? Blacknor Far South
Silage Clamp 7a+ * 12 15m Battleship Edge
Never Drive a Car When You're Dead 6a ** 532 17m Battleship Edge
Wind in the Riggin' 6c ** 165 17m Battleship Edge
Bilboes 7a * 118 13m Battleship Edge
Wurlitzer Jukebox 7a+ * 49 18m Battleship Edge
Victims of Fashion 7a+ *** 495 18m Battleship Edge
Barbed Wire Kisses 7a+ ** 204 19m Battleship Edge
Reve d'un Corbeau 7a * 143 20m Battleship Edge
Lazy Days and Summer Haze 6a+ ** 960 18m Battleship Edge
Pinch an Inch 6a ** 1186 18m Battleship Edge
Inchworm 6a+ * 147 ? Battleship Edge
Inch Perfect, Inchworm 6b+ ** 898 18m Battleship Edge
Serious Music 6c+ * 161 18m Battleship Edge
Margaret on the Guillotine 6a ** 991 17m Battleship Edge
Out of Reach, Out of Mind 6c ** 411 18m Battleship Edge
Master of Ape Science 7a+ ** 53 16m Battleship Edge
On the Wall 7a+ ** 61 16m Battleship Edge
Trance Dance 7a * 62 16m Battleship Edge
Judge Jeffreys 6c *** 430 17m Battleship Edge
Humanoid 7a+ ** 94 17m Battleship Edge
One for the Gipper 6b * 354 17m Battleship Edge
President Elect 6b+ * 94 15m Battleship Edge
257 stars 60,484 2,553m 156
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