Contributed by RM199 Jan/12 - This public ticklist has been seen 11,341 times

J.W.P.s first assents. Classic old skool. Get out your tweed and hob nails!!! Sorry if I've missed a few, some have changed name. Taken from the biography by J.P. Craddock

Katie preparing a belay on a blustery evening on Black Hawk Traverse  © Siwoodward
Katie preparing a belay on a blustery evening on Black Hawk Traverse
© Siwoodward, Sep 2021

113 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Graeme Hammond 84% 18 May, 2023
2nd nickcanute 83% 7 Oct, 2023
3rd DerwentDiluted 75% 26 Sep, 2011
4th Iain Thow 71% 3 Jan, 2022
5th mikej 68% 1 Apr, 2014
6th Simon Caldwell 67% 18 May
7th adi bryant 64% 5 Jun
8th RM199 59% 11 May
9th Hidden 59% 30 Apr
10th Roge't 56% 18 Jul, 2021

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Amphitheatre Buttress - this took longer to take than I'd like to admit xD

Amphitheatre Buttress
Amphitheatre Buttress - this took longer to take than I'd like to admit xD
© starlitejumper


Amphitheatre Buttress
© Barrez

Katie preparing a belay on a blustery evening on Black Hawk Traverse

Black Hawk Traverse Left
Katie preparing a belay on a blustery evening on Black Hawk Traverse
© Siwoodward

Penny Allchin battles with the polish on Castle Crack (HS 4b) at Stanage

Castle Crack
Penny Allchin battles with the polish on Castle Crack (HS 4b) at Stanage

Lockdown Amphitheatre Buttress

Amphitheatre Buttress
Lockdown Amphitheatre Buttress
© Hat Dude

T all the way up Beta Crack

Beta Crack
T all the way up Beta Crack
© TN

Follwing in her fathers footsteps

Amphitheatre Buttress
Follwing in her fathers footsteps
© Jim Walton


© Chris Ellis

Winnats Pass, 'Matterhorn Ridge', Elbow Ridge and Mam Tor

Matterhorn Ridge
Winnats Pass, 'Matterhorn Ridge', Elbow Ridge and Mam Tor
© Colin Wells

Jen Following in her late fathers footsteps.

Eckhard's Chimney
Jen Following in her late fathers footsteps.
© Jim Walton

Air beneath the feet on North Buttress

North Buttress
Air beneath the feet on North Buttress
© Migsy

Amphitheatre buttress

Amphitheatre Buttress
Amphitheatre buttress
© Rhi Rhi

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Inside Route D * 312 8m Wharncliffe Crags
Black Slab Right M ** 775 10m Wharncliffe Crags
The Great Chimney D * 120 8m Wharncliffe Crags
Puttrell's Progress S 4a ** 1252 12m Wharncliffe Crags
Chockstone Chimney VD * 49 ? Wharncliffe Crags
The Candle Snuffer S 4b 33 ? Wharncliffe Crags
Long Chimney D * 66 10m Wharncliffe Crags
Watson's Crack VS 4c * 64 ? Wharncliffe Crags
Puttrell's Crack VD 22 ? Wharncliffe Crags
Puttrell and Watson's Route S 4b * 39 8m Wharncliffe Crags
Long John's Ordinary S 4a * 37 14m Wharncliffe Crags
Left Twin Chimney D ** 1201 14m Stanage Popular
Right Twin Chimney VD * 1293 14m Stanage Popular
Mississippi Chimney VD * 1584 18m Stanage Popular
Count's Chimney D * 158 14m Stanage Plantation
Solomon's Crack VD * 1028 12m Froggatt Edge
Garden Face Indirect D * 407 10m Gardom's Edge
Sand Gully D 107 18m Black Rocks
Queen's Parlour Gully VD ** 298 26m Black Rocks
Queen's Parlour Chimney HS 4b * 54 26m Black Rocks
Fat Man's Chimney D *** 142 18m Black Rocks
Stonnis Crack VS 4b ** 562 10m Black Rocks
North Climb S 4a * 136 10m Cratcliffe Tor
Trident Face VD * 917 12m Harborough Rocks
Trident Groove VD * 1070 12m Harborough Rocks
Trident Arete VD * 1412 12m Harborough Rocks
Trident Obverse D 352 12m Harborough Rocks
Harborough Crack HS 4b * 257 6m Harborough Rocks
Crack and Face VD 72 10m Brassington...
Brassington Crack HVD * 103 8m Brassington...
West Hill Arete VD * 83 6m Brassington...
Primitive Route HS 4c * 14 12m Kinder Southern...
Inverted Crack D 4 6m Kinder Southern...
Promontory Groove VD 26 12m Kinder Southern...
Boulder Way D * 6 20m Kinder Southern...
Wind Tunnel M * 64 14m Dovestone Tor
Dargai crack VS 4b 5 ? Cave Dale...
Mam Tor Gully (Summer) Grade-3 47 70m Mam Tor
Gun Chimney S 4a 121 6m Baslow Edge
Capstone Chimney VD * 60 ? Baslow Edge
North Pole S ** 9 10m Rollick Stones
Westerner D 9 10m Rollick Stones
Outside Route S 4a * 305 8m Wharncliffe Crags
Cheese Cut D * 396 6m Wharncliffe Crags
Cheese Cut Crack D * 447 6m Wharncliffe Crags
Cheese Cut Flake HVD * 498 8m Wharncliffe Crags
Cumberland Crack/Cumberland Groove HVD * 141 ? Wharncliffe Crags
V Groove VD 96 ? Wharncliffe Crags
Alpha Crack D * 730 10m Wharncliffe Crags
Beta Crack S 4a ** 1469 10m Wharncliffe Crags
Great Chimney Crack S 4a 139 10m Wharncliffe Crags
Romulus VD * 597 8m Wharncliffe Crags
Remus S 4a * 886 8m Wharncliffe Crags
As You Like It VD * 230 8m Wharncliffe Crags
Black Crack HVD * 123 8m Wharncliffe Crags
The Flue HVD * 163 ? Wharncliffe Crags
Hell Gate Gully M * 151 12m Wharncliffe Crags
Hell Gate VD ** 504 14m Wharncliffe Crags
Pylon Crack VD 251 8m Wharncliffe Crags
Quern Crack S 4a 217 8m Wharncliffe Crags
Hamlet's Climb HVD 4a * 317 10m Wharncliffe Crags
The Crack of Doom HS 4b * 160 10m Wharncliffe Crags
The Zig-zag Climb D 165 ? Wharncliffe Crags
Pylon Corner D 182 ? Wharncliffe Crags
Back and Foot VD 116 6m Wharncliffe Crags
Rook Chimney D * 83 ? Wharncliffe Crags
Overhanging Chimney HVD 4a 59 ? Wharncliffe Crags
Overhanging Crack S 4b * 122 ? Wharncliffe Crags
Split Chimney D 81 ? Wharncliffe Crags
Bilberry Face S 57 ? Wharncliffe Crags
Imaginary Boulder Climb HS 4c * 158 ? Wharncliffe Crags
Holly Route D 18 10m Wharncliffe Crags
Deep Chimney D * 15 ? Wharncliffe Crags
Traditional D 19 ? Wharncliffe Crags
Hanging Chimney S 4b 15 ? Wharncliffe Crags
Zig-zag VD *** 218 18m Kinder Downfall
Right Fork Chimney S 4a * 12 16m Kinder Downfall
Left Fork Chimney D * 39 16m Kinder Downfall
Silver Crack HS 4c * 1027 10m Froggatt Edge
Swimmer's Chimney S 4b * 319 12m Froggatt Edge
North Climb S 4a * 1881 12m Froggatt Edge
Ashop Climb HVD ** 64 18m Kinder Northern...
Hanging Chimney HVD 4 15m Kinder Northern...
Primitive Chimney VD 101 10m Bamford Edge
Easy Chimney M 109 8m Bamford Edge
Deep Chimney M 114 8m Bamford Edge
Deep Cleft M * 318 14m Bamford Edge
Raven Rock Gully D ** 772 20m Roaches Lower Tier
Hermitage Crack VS 5a * 33 8m Cratcliffe Tor
Ylnosd Rib HVD *** 111 12m Rob's Rocks
Letter-box VD ** 286 10m Rob's Rocks
Lime Juice Chimney HVD ** 67 ? Carl Wark
High Tor Gully VD 19 ? High Tor
Castle Chimney M ** 837 20m Stanage Popular
The Great Chimney HS 4b ** 58 18m Kinder Downfall
Chockstone Chimney VD * 48 12m Kinder Downfall
Elbow Ridge D * 563 ? Winnats Pass
Matterhorn Ridge VD * 399 65m Winnats Pass
Nursery Slab M 1311 10m Froggatt Edge
Left Flake Crack S 4a * 374 6m Froggatt Edge
Amphitheatre Crack S 4b * 3 10m Kinder Downfall
Amphitheatre Face Climb HS 4b * 13 10m Kinder Downfall
Inaccessible Slab S 4c 341 6m Stanage North
Eckhard's Chimney VD * 324 14m Stanage North
Boyd's Crack VD * 1243 12m Stanage North
Tango Crack VD * 3289 14m Stanage North
Neb Corner VD 506 ? Stanage North
Norse Corner Climb HS 4c ** 2420 16m Stanage North
Wall End Crack S 4a 360 16m Stanage Plantation
Black Hawk Traverse Left VD ** 4284 18m Stanage Popular
Castle Crack HS 4b ** 3690 18m Stanage Popular
Fingal's Cave HVS 5a 19 29m • 2 Stoney Middleton
Fingal's Flue HS 3c 52 29m • 2 Stoney Middleton
Keswick Brothers' Climb VD ** 8 ? Scafell Crag
Angular Chimney VD 32 ? Clogwyn y Tarw (The...
North Buttress VD ** 500 205m • 7 Tryfan
Terrace Wall Variant VD * 32 ? Tryfan
Little and North Gullies Grade-1 ** 573 ? Tryfan
Avalanche Gully D 5 ? • 2 Craig Yr Ysfa
Amphitheatre Buttress VD *** 1916 ? Craig Yr Ysfa
South Wall VD ** 87 12m Kinder Downfall
Professor' Chimney D * 35 14m Kinder Downfall
Men Only f3+ ** 190 ? Baslow Edge
Crack and Furrow S 4b * 87 15m Robin Hood's...
Brown Crack S 4a * 146 18m Gardom's Edge
The Original Route D * 336 ? Tegness Quarries
Black Chimney D * 505 8m Stanage Popular
V-Chimney VD 33 ? Wharncliffe Crags
The Mantelshelf HS 4b * 136 6m Wharncliffe Crags
Owl Gully VD * 211 20m Cratcliffe Tor
Weston's Chimney HVD 44 15m Cratcliffe Tor
Mam Tor Gully (Winter) I * 218 70m • 2 Mam Tor
123 stars 54,002 1,579m 142
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