Contributed by MalcolmJack Sep/18 - This public ticklist has been seen 705 times

"One of the best easier circuits in the book although it involves quite a lot of walking. Only 15 problems but some real quality and only three at V0+/5a making it really manageable for beginners (watch out for 'Harry Patch' though)." - Rockfax

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1st PanzerHanzler 60% 20 Oct, 2019
2nd Mick King 40% 21 Mar, 2021
3rd Julian Prieto 26% 6 Jan

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Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

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Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Rounded ArĂȘte f3 * 237 ? Roaches Skyline
Crack f4 * 160 ? Roaches Skyline
Harry Patch f4+ * 91 ? Roaches Skyline
Pinkies to Perkies f3+ * 201 ? Roaches Skyline
Slab Walk f3 ** 216 ? Roaches Skyline
Wall and Rib f3+ * 217 ? Roaches Skyline
Left Crack f3+ * 265 ? Roaches Skyline
Right Crack f3+ 240 ? Roaches Skyline
Easy Ramp f3 * 234 ? Roaches Skyline
Rounded Feature f4+ * 28 ? Roaches Skyline
Ramp f4+ * 14 ? Roaches Skyline
Chipped Wall f3+ * 242 ? Roaches Skyline
The Drowning Traverse f4+ * 50 ? Roaches Skyline
Easy ArĂȘte f3+ * 201 ? Roaches Skyline
Pancake f4 ** 273 ? Roaches Skyline
16 stars 2,669 ? 15
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