Modifying rucksacks

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 mik82 29 Apr 2024

Has anyone added extra straps to a rucksack or is it too much faff? 

I've got a DMM Short Haul which is great, but I can't help thinking it would be even better if it had the rope attachment and internal compression straps of the larger DMM Flight. I have a sewing machine - assume would involve picking the seam and then sewing the straps in. 

 BruceM 30 Apr 2024
In reply to mik82:

I have done extensive mods to packs. Using glue/seam sealer and stitching.

You must have a chunky sewing machine.  I have just used hand sewing, or a Speedy Stitcher (like an awl) with conventional strong nylon thread (not the waxed string the Stitcher comes with).

It's hard work, so you have to WANT to do it.

 top cat 30 Apr 2024
In reply to mik82:

I think it is worth the effort.  A lot of my kit is modified and it is very satisfying to use something you have improved yourself.

Go for it.

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