Where to take an eight year old climbing near Gloucestershire?

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 whenry 15 May 2024

As per the title. Taking my niece climbing on Sunday, and Symonds Yat is where I've taken her before, but as its currently banned I'm looking for alternatives. Ideally around Gloucestershire, as she is based in south Birmingham and I'm in Bristol, but a bit further afield is fine. Even more ideally, there'd be something nearby to occupy her parents and younger brother.

She gets a bit nervous if the crag is much over twenty metres, or I'd do Corner Buttress Route 2 (VD 4a) or something similar at Wintour's.

My current options are:

  • The first pitches of the easy routes below the Boardwalk at Wintour's
  • Wyndcliff Quarry
  • Ivy Scar Rock
  • Possibly Box Bay, but I can't remember whether the scramble down is amenable for an 8 year old.
  • Portishead Quarry.
  • Symonds Yat and ignore the ban.

Any recommendations gratefully welcome.

 tew 15 May 2024
In reply to whenry:

There's also Woodcroft quarry at wintours. Most of the routes there are easily accessable for an 8 year old.

Have you thought about doing some bouldering?

 jon_gill1 15 May 2024
In reply to whenry:

Though be very careful on easy routes there as fairly loose in places! The rain has not been kind at lots of venues!

 Paul at work 15 May 2024
In reply to whenry:

Sounds to me like you need to visit Barnhill Quarry. Barnhill quarry

 Chris_Burgess 16 May 2024
In reply to whenry:

We recently had a lovely day at Plump Hill Quarry, which is a bit closer to Birmingham than Symonds Yat.  Lovely slabby routes, and pretty safe with the belay stakes at the top.  Only downside is the descent path was a bit of a mud slide.

 Paul at work 16 May 2024
In reply to Chris_Burgess:

The Forestry Commission have now put a fence at the top of the descent mud slide path in an attempt to stop people going up and down it. Its easier to lower or abseil individuals back down. 

They have also removed one of the stakes, so I will aim to replace that one at some point soon. 

OP whenry 16 May 2024
In reply to Paul at work:

That looks like it could be a winner. Thanks!

Woodcroft Quarry is a pile of choss on the whole... not something I'd inflict on any unknowing person!

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