INTERVIEW: Aidan Roberts on climbing Arrival of the Birds and Spots of Time

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 UKC Articles 16 May 2024

Just under a month ago, we reported on Aidan Roberts having made two ascents at the very top end. These boulders were known - in their working stages - as The Helvellyn Project, and The Midnight Project. 

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 owensum 16 May 2024
In reply to UKC Articles:

We're so lucky have Aidan. The future of bouldering, no doubt. Inevitable question—did the ascents get filmed? I loved Mastery, one of the best bouldering films in years.

 MelvinWaggg 16 May 2024
In reply to owensum:

He said on a podcast episode (Careless talk), spots of time was filmed properly and a film will get made (?), for arrival of the birds he has footage but on his phone / disposable film if I remember?

 Denislejeune 17 May 2024
In reply to UKC Articles:

Still no grade propositions?

 owensum 17 May 2024
In reply to UKC Articles:

Sweet. Look forward to seeing the footage.

On grades, I think Aidan did say he thought they were both in the 8C+/9A range, with Spots of Time being harder maybe than Arrival of Birds? And the hardest thing in the UK. Sounds like he doesn't want to use a slash grade but also is struggling to decide. Seems understandable. Im sure in due course all this will sort itself out with repeats. Arrival of Birds is evidently in a prominent spot in an area that gets a lot of traffic from the world's strongest. And surely Will is going to try for the second on Spots of Time.

 remus Global Crag Moderator 17 May 2024
In reply to owensum:

> Sweet. Look forward to seeing the footage.

> On grades, I think Aidan did say he thought they were both in the 8C+/9A range, with Spots of Time being harder maybe than Arrival of Birds? And the hardest thing in the UK. Sounds like he doesn't want to use a slash grade but also is struggling to decide. Seems understandable. Im sure in due course all this will sort itself out with repeats. Arrival of Birds is evidently in a prominent spot in an area that gets a lot of traffic from the world's strongest. And surely Will is going to try for the second on Spots of Time.

If they don't both settle at 9A I'll eat my hat, along with the hat of anyone else who posts on this thread.

In reply to owensum:

He definitely didn't say spots of time was harder than arrival of the birds. 

Arrival of the birds (midnight project) was completely in his style and he still said felt absolutely limit. I think, if/when he decides to grade them he will give it 9a, he pretty much said as much on the podcast. 

I think spots of time he was less sure on, as it was less in his style etc. 

Post edited at 09:13

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