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Last updated on 01/Mar/2017


Welcome to Stewart Mountain Skills, offering high quality, professional guiding and instruction in all aspects of mountain skills.

Based in Aviemore, in the heart of the Cairngorms National Park we have the most varied and reliable winter venues right on our doorstep. Our intimate local knowledge allows us to make the best of the conditions and tailor our courses to your needs.

Winter walking - skills and Navigation
Winter mountaineering
Winter climbing, instruction and guided classics
Ski mountaineering

Rock Climbing and Scrambling; guiding or instruction
Hill walking and Navigation courses
Fell running and Mountain Marathon Preparation
Mountain Biking; skills and guiding
Provider of the National Navigation Award Scheme

NGB's - Summer and Winter Mountain Leader or Single Pitch Award refreshers or assessment preparation.

Keep an eye on our blog for updates on conditions and route information year round -

Based in Aviemore, but adventures can be arranged anywhere in Scotland

Please call or email for more information or advice

[email protected]


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