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Last updated on 01/Mar/2016


Our 16 hour ITC Certificate in Outdoor First Aid course validates all National Governing Body outdoor instructor awards, e.g. MIA, ML, WGL, BELA, SPA, BCU, MBLA, BASI.
It is suitable for anyone working or playing in the outdoors, such as climbers, walkers, cyclists, paddlers, D of E, field studies, school party leaders, Scout leaders.
This qualification has been developed for the requirements of the worker or practitioner in the outdoor environment, and is recognised THROUGHOUT THE UK. It is the course of choice for many experienced outdoor practitioners.
Our next 'open' Outdoor First Aid courses in North East England are on 5/6 March, 14/15 March, 16/17 April, 21/22 April, 3/4 May, 14/15 May, 26/27 May, 22/23 June, 11/12 August. Please contact us for further information

Inspirational Training is a Newcastle based company providing first aid training across the North East and further afield. We deliver a full range of environment specific ITC certificated first aid courses, including some you won’t find offered by other first aid providers. We are specialists in delivering first aid training for the Outdoor and Sport sectors, as well as delivering regulated Paediatric and First Aid at Work courses.
We provide high quality First Aid training to groups and individuals from all sectors including Outdoor Centres, Schools, Nurseries, Colleges, Leisure Centres, Hotels, Offices, Shops and Factories; in fact we cater for ALL who require First Aid training.
Whether you work in education, leisure, industry or in remote locations, Inspirational Training has the course to meet your requirements.
First Aid is a practical subject and hands-on training is the hallmark of our courses. Candidates manage simulated incidents, make real decisions and feel real emotions. Participants leave our courses feeling both competent and confident in dealing with any First Aid emergency.
We provide 'on-site' courses at clients’ venues as well as ‘open’ courses at our own.
We run courses on week days, weekends and evenings.
Unlike many others, our first aid courses are practical, active and FUN!
See our website, email [email protected] or phone 07748 536236 / 0191 2291480 for further information.


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