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Last updated on 26/Jun/2013


Sociable club for both new and experienced climbers. Regular Climbing and walking meets throughout the year. Both trad and sport climbing actively pursued, as well as opportunities for ad hoc winter climbing for those interested. Weekly club climbing meets include Tuesday nights and Saturday mornings.

From spring until autumn the Tuesday night meets are at a variety of crags in the Aberdeenshire and Angus region. In mid-Summer with the lighter evenings, we tend to move further afield either in-land to locations such as Clachnaben and the Pass of Ballater or south to Angus sports venues (Arbroath, Legaston, etc) or up north to the sea cliffs south of Peterhead. We always try to include a BBQ at a few of our Tuesday night meets too! In winter the Tuesday nights move indoors, normally rotating between the walls at RGU and Transition for a bit of variety.

The Saturday morning session is at Transition in the winter, apart from the last Saturday in every month when we visit an Angus sports climbing venue (such as Kirrie Hill, with the Avertical World wall in Dundee as a back-up in case of bad weather). During the summer, the Saturday mornings move outside to the local Aberdeen sea cliffs.

There are also weekends away throughout the year. Some shared with the walking section of the club, others aimed purely for climbers (e.g. the Reiff meet in May).

Beginners are welcome, though the ability to tie-in and belay safely is a pre-requisite for attending club meets.

Check out our Facebook group: Cairngorm Climbers (Aberdeen)

For more informstion or general climbing enquiries get in touch with the club climbing secretary at

[email protected]


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