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Last updated on 02/Jun/2014


The LMC is a great way to get out into the mountains with fellow walkers and climbers! Rock climbing, walking, mountaineering, skiing, mountain-biking and ice-climbing are activities enjoyed by members throughout Britain, Europe and the World.

We are a friendly club with a large number of meets, social events and active members. The Club caters for young and old, expert and novice and we boast a broad range of interests and experience.

There is a meets programme throughout the year, comprising week-day evening - you can download the list here, Sunday and weekend camping or hut or bivvy meets. There are often more adventurous meets during the summer months, in the Alps or greater ranges.

The club also has a hut in The Lake District at Blea Tarn - also known as The Loft. We have some land in North Wales near Bedgellert and are in the process of building a hut! All members get BMC membership, low price to use the clubs huts and discount at selected outdoor shops, and always a group of people to enjoy the great outdoors with.

New and prospective members are always welcome. If you would like to come along on one of our meets just contact us at [email protected] or phone our new members secretary Joe Boyd on 07929858933.

We meet socially on the first Tuesday of the month at the Belmont Bull, Belmont at approximately 8:30pm for 9:00pm.

We look forward to meeting you in the near future!!


4 Jun, 2006
I've found the LMC a really friendly club for climbing and walking: welcoming and encouraging beginners like me as well as more experienced newcomers. The club has an active and varied meets programme including mountain biking,pot-holing and orienteering, and caters for varied ability, clocking up a good few miles on foot and in the car!
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