Leah Crane climbs another Font 7c

© Leo

Leah Crane on The Bach Block 7c  © Leo
19 year old Leah Crane has just climbed another Font 7c, this time in Brione, Switzerland. During a quick fly-by 5 day bouldering trip to Magic Wood Leah also climbed two Font 7b+'s, taking only an hour of work to do both.

The 7c: With only one evening of climbing left before the flight home the following day, Leah set to work, but despite linking the lower section, couldn't get the top crux, a powerful left hand lock on slopers with a huge reach right to a a moon shaped flatty. Frustrated but determined, Leah convinced others to let her have another go in the morning and then face a mad rush to the airport in Milan.

It was on this last day of the trip, when she thought the climbing was over, that the highlight of her trip took place; topping out 'The Bach Block' Font 7c, in a combined total of no more than three hours.

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I have been climbing for over twenty years ... I first 'touched rock' aged 3 and started to climb frequently from the age of 5. Dave Dicks was my first ever coach & I trained with him twice a week for around...

Leah's Athlete Page 24 posts 1 video

7 Jul, 2008
as a non boulderer i reckon that must be very hard. does this mean Leah is concentrating more on bouldering atm?
7 Jul, 2008
As i understand it mate she has always been more bouldering focused. And think she is on the british bouldering team as well. Cheers tim
7 Jul, 2008
Leah is really focused on bouldering at the moment, and has been the last couple of years. She isn't in the British Team at the moment, through choice, she decided to take a little time out of international competitions, but is considering rejoining if invited this summer. I think whats really impressive for Leah, is how fast her two 7c ascents have been, the first one (Dr Crimp in Chironico) took about 45 mins and her second (Bach Block in Brione) two sessons lasting less than an hour and a half each. She's moving to Sheffield soon, so hopefully will find a very hard project and be able to put a lot of time into it!
7 Jul, 2008
All credit to Leah, she's going well and I expect she will only improve. But is it really news when there's ladies cranking out 8a+/8b across the world. And a few females in the UK have climbed harder that 7c.
7 Jul, 2008
looks nice in brione. is it a similar sandstone to font?
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