Ryan Pasquill climbs wall left of New StatesmanNewsflash

© Adrian Gill (no duplication on other media without permission)
This is a preliminary news item. We will endeavour to bring you more information on this ascent as soon as possible.

Ryan Pasquill today climbed the wall to the left of The New Statesman at Ilkley, Yorkshire. This last great problem has been tried by many climbers over the last twenty years.

The line reportedly has a crux section of around Font 8A, at a very 'highball' bouldering height. This is then followed by a bold but easier wall.

The crux move has stopped many talented gritstone climbers in their tracks, being a heinous pull from a tiny edge.

Commenting at the crag today, Ilkley expert John Dunne, author of the super-famous test-piece The New Statesman said;

"He did the crux totally statically. It was extremely impressive."

To see a UKC photo of the whole line - click here

Ryan Pasquill is regarded amongst the top climbers of the UK as being at the very cutting edge of gritstone climbing. He recently climbed The Ace (Font 8B) at Stanage, and has flashed several gritstone E8's. He also operates on limestone, with a quick ascent of Baa Baa Black Sheep (F8c+) at Ceuse.

Thanks go to Adrian Gill for the photo.

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Ryan Pasquill is perhaps one of the best all-round climbers in the UK, and is known for his understated style, completing many climbs on-site or ground up. His impressive tick list includes Sleepy Hollow (E10, 7a), Gerty...

Ryan's Athlete Page 16 posts 2 videos

10 Jan, 2009
Another last great Last Great finally falls - awesome! What's next? Chris
10 Jan, 2009
Fantastic, well done Ryan. What a brilliant winter for gritstone climbing. I saw a guy climb Careless Torque before christmas and then someone on Parthian Shot on sunday. Realy inspirational for a bumbly like me.
10 Jan, 2009
Very impressive. Clearly very strong and talented! :)
10 Jan, 2009
Well done to Ryan! Bloomin' fine effort.
10 Jan, 2009
scotty mint.
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