Graham makes 3rd ascent of Moonshine, 9a

© Graham coll./Island
Dave Graham on Moonshine, 9a, Wild Iris   © Graham coll./Island
Dave Graham on Moonshine, 9a, Wild Iris
© Graham coll./Island

Dave Graham has mostly been bouldering lately, but as is the case with for example Daniel Woods, this doesn't seem to mean he can't handle route climbing. At least if the route is relatively short.

B J Tilden's Moonshine, 9a, at Wild Iris, Wyoming, is just that. A power endurance test piece on small, shallow but sharp pockets with sketchy feet.
Daniel Woods made the 2nd ascent the other day, and now Dave has made the 3rd.

There's a great write up by Dave, complete with several photos, over on Island, but here is an excerpt describing the crux section:

The hard move revolves around a blank expanse of white stone. There is a mono, a scoop, and a crimp, but no feet. Bj does a gnarly pounce-dyamnic-jump swoop, Daniel does some robot shit. I get into a strange stance, and dragon in hard with just the tip of the toe. It worked the time, punting was the only way off at that point. I was half way through the window, not going to just let it shut. I got pumped at that point, and nervous I would punt. I had to battle out the final resistance crux, but miraculously nothing slipped. Elated, I clipped the chains. I have climbed 9a faster, but this might have been the most fun i'd had sport climbing in a LONG time. Something was different. Sensations were more intense.

Dave Graham is sponsored by: Petzl, Five Ten and Beal

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Dave Graham has been a top boulderer and sport climber for nearly two decades. He has made the first ascents of a huge number of cutting edge boulder problems including The Story of Two Worlds, Big Paw and...

Dave's Athlete Page 41 posts 5 videos

26 Sep, 2012
I did not understand anything that man said just there. Good on im though
26 Sep, 2012
What he said.
26 Sep, 2012
Living proof for why climbing shouldn't be an olympic sport... drug tests man, drug tests.
26 Sep, 2012
Why shouldn't one win Olympic Gold by punting the dragon through the half shut window?
26 Sep, 2012
Hmm, you've got me there!
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