Bouldering with Mina Leslie-Wujastyk 2Video Series

© David Mason (Screen shot from film)

Earlier in the winter Brits Mina Leslie-Wujastyk and David Mason went on an extended bouldering road trip around the USA. They travelled to Joe's Valley, Yosemite, Ibex, Bishop and more.

Mina climbed loads of hard problems, as did David, and we featured Mina's ascents in a few UKC News Items last November and December.

Now we have a set of nicely put together videos from David Mason, mainly featuring Mina, but with a few clips of David too.

If you're thinking of going bouldering in the USA (yes please!) then check out these videos that will be popping up on UKC over the course of the next few weeks.

The first one was Joe's Valley highballs, and now we have Joe's Valley: Left Fork Classics.

Here Mina introduces Joe's Valley: Left Fork Classics:

"Wills of Fire, Lumbar Jack and Beyond Life are all on one face of one boulder; a stunning wall that showcases Utah's impeccable sandstone. Beyond Life was hard for me, I got stuck at one move and would fall at the same place every time. This kind of experience on any boulder problem can become very frustrating and psychologically challenging. On a long trip, climbing day in day out, one can lose perspective and getting to the top of a boulder can become all consuming. Needless to say it is very satisfying when you push through the barrier and hold that move!"

  • For more on Mina, follow her excellent BLOG

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Born in 1987, Mina has been climbing since she was 8 years old. She gained fame with some hard bouldering ascents and on the competition scene, but lately has been cutting her teeth as a top level sport climber.

Mina's Athlete Page 32 posts 6 videos

8 Feb, 2013
beautiful, 3rd problem!
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