8B flash again by Webb

© Webb coll.
Jimmy Webb flashing Sky, ~8B, Rocklands, SA  © Webb coll.
Jimmy Webb flashing Sky, ~8B, Rocklands, SA
© Webb coll.

Jimmy Webb has yet again managed to make a flash ascent of a confirmed 8B boulder problem. This time it was Paul Robinson's A simple knowing at Topside outside Cape Town, South Africa which was flashed.

The problem was originally given 8C, but after new beta, involving a crucial heel toe cam, was found, it was downgraded to 8B.

With five 8B flashes to his name, four of which this year and three of those in South Africa, there is no doubt Jimmy has improved a lot lately. Maybe he is better than he thinks? You could easily get that impression considering the many downgrades he has suggested...

Well I asked him about it a while back:

Could it be that it's your internal grading scale that needs adjusting rather than all the problems in the world being soft?
When it comes to my grading, I could potentially agree with you. Yet I started trying Monkey wedding the other day which is graded 8C. I realized very fast that this boulder is leagues above all the other blocs here in Rocklands. More than one step above the 8B+ boulders!

Remember Monkey wedding was originally given 8B+ by Fred Nicole. Grades...

Next up for Jimmy, after 26h of non stop traveling is the DWS competition at the Salt lake city trade show, and then later this autumn it's quite possible we'll see him in the La Sportiva Legends Only invitational.

James Webb is sponsored by: prAna, Sterling Rope, Tennessee Bouldering Authority, Five Ten, Organic and Metolius.

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Jimmy Webb is one of the world's top boulderers, with multiple Font 8C+ problems on his CV. He has been at the forefront of pushing into new grade boundaries for several years and made first ascents worldwide.

Jimmy's Athlete Page 56 posts 11 videos

5 Aug, 2013
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