Dan Turner Climbs Lakes E8, 8a+ and 8A in a dayVideo

© Video Still - Highball Productions

Dan Turner on Keep on Keeping On 8a+  © Video Still - Highball Productions
Dan Turner on Keep on Keeping On 8a+
© Video Still - Highball Productions

Dan Turner recently took advantage of some good weather in the Lakes and knocked off a triple 8 challenge in a single day, climbing a Font 8A boulder problem, an E8 trad route and an 8a+ sport climb.

The Boulder Problem - Impropa Opera (ss) (f8A) on the Bowderstone - was first up:

"I have done Impropa Opera Sit quite a few times so I knew that would not be a problem and I could use it as a warm up." commented Dan.

Next up was the Trad climb of Disorderly Conduct (E8 6c) on the short, fierce crag of Reecastle, which for Dan was the hardest part of the day:

"I really wanted to do Bleed In Hell as the trad route, but never got to trying it however I had spent some time at Reecastle this summer and previously top roped Disorderly Conduct.

I guess the hardest was the mental aspect of the trad climbing. I have been out of the trad game for years now and I remember my science teacher from secondary school was rumoured to have had a bit of an epic on this route. So I was a bit intimidated by it."

Then came a drive south to Langdale and the final part of the challenge, a grade 8 sport climb. This was Keep on keeping on (8a+) in Thrang Quarry, which was perhaps selected through necessity:

"Sport 8's in the Lakes are slim pickings!" said Dan, "It was a great sunny day in the Lakes, spent with good mates (thanks Tim and Rob), what more could you as for? I think I enjoyed Reecastle the best, there was some quality banter from Dave Birkett.

"This is was a warm up for the Yorkshire one but for now it's back to bouldering for me. I am toying with the idea of 4 8's in a day? Who thinks that's possible? It might involve getting quite cold for the next few winters though..."

VIDEO: Lakes Triple 8 in a Day:

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Dan is one of Britain's most accomplished boulderers, having completed problems of the highest standard across the length and breadth of the country. In 2014 he also completed the impressive feat of climbing E8,...

Dan's Athlete Page 5 posts

18 Sep, 2014
Great effort
18 Sep, 2014
Nice one Dan, a fine effort.
19 Sep, 2014
Beautiful. Especially the 8a+ part.
21 Sep, 2014
Good on you - Dan
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