Mecca Extension 8c for Mina-Leslie Wujastyk

© Jon Clark

Mina-Leslie Wujastyk has climbed Mecca Extension (8c) 8c at Raven Tor (Miller's Dale) following her ascent of Mecca - The Mid-life Crisis (8b+) 8b+ in September 2012 (UKC News Report). This is Mina's first route at the grade of 8c.

Reporting on her Twitter page, Mina commented:

Mina reports the ascent on Twitter

After having tried the route before summer in poor conditions, Mina began working the route more solidly upon returning from her trip to South Africa. We asked her a few questions about her thoughts on the route.

How does it feel to have finally climbed the Extension to Mecca?

Pretty overwhelming! I don't think it's sunk in yet!

Did it take a lot of motivation to get back on Mecca for the extension?

Yes about two years of building motivation! I couldn't face it when I first did Mecca, I just wasn't interested in getting back on the first half, and I tried other routes instead but then came back to it this year as an endurance goal.

What was the hardest part of the route for you?

The link crux is at the top but the hardest single move for me was still on Mecca. Mentally, I found committing to the big runout at the top one of the hardest things initially. It felt like more of a mental battle than anything really, we have had very changeable weather and, as Tor goers know, conditions can make a big difference. It took me a while to realise that when I went backwards on it, it wasn't always me being rubbish!

Mina climbing her first 8c - Mecca Extension  © Jon Clark
Mina climbing her first 8c - Mecca Extension
© Jon Clark

Following Katy Whittaker's ascent of Mecca - The Mid-Life Crisis last week (UKC News Report), it's been a particularly productive week at Raven Tor for British women's climbing.

In-depth interview with Mina to come shortly.

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Born in 1987, Mina has been climbing since she was 8 years old. She gained fame with some hard bouldering ascents and on the competition scene, but lately has been cutting her teeth as a top level sport climber.

Mina's Athlete Page 32 posts 6 videos

15 Oct, 2014
15 Oct, 2014
Great effort by Mina, history in the making. Very nice shot from Jon, complete drizzly wash out elsewhere but the Tor holds out.
15 Oct, 2014
A superb effort! Great to hear all the hard work paid off.
Awesome news, nice one Mina!
15 Oct, 2014
Brilliant. Well done Mina :-)
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